The Village recently developed a five-year water rate plan to meet the future operating and capital needs of its water system. The first increase in water rates became effective June 1, 2023; however, residents will not see this increase until their August bills, as all current bills issued were last calculated for water used through May. The minimum charge for the first 3,000 gallons remains unchanged at $16.00 bimonthly. Each additional 1,000 gallons will now be billed at a rate of $4.26.
Although this is a five-year plan, the Village will review the overall financial health of the water system each year to determine the actual rate increases. The Village has historically maintained a comparably low water rate in the Fox Valley area. The potential five-year water rate increase plan is anticipated to maintain our comparably low water bills in the region.
Water rates are important to maintaining the long-term future of our water system. Fees collected are used for the production, treatment, and distribution of water, including saving money for future capital projects.
If you have any questions about water rates, please reach out to Village Hall at 630-897-8228.