The Village of North Aurora endeavors to be responsive to residents and operates in a fiscally responsible and efficient manner. The transparency of our government, and access to information and documents, is a priority of the Village President, Board of Trustees and Staff. The majority of the information listed below is available throughout our website, however, in the spirit of making this information easily accessible, we have consolidated a list of significant documents and information on this page.
Elected Officials and Administrative Staff
The Village’s website contains the contact information, including name, phone number and e-mail address for all elected officials, the Village Administrator and Department Heads for each Department.
Future Planning
The North Aurora Village Board has approved the 2024-2025 Strategic Plan for the Village of North Aurora. The Strategic Plan will be used to guide North Aurora into the future and help determine where the Village wants to go as a municipal government, as an organization, and as a community over the next several years.
The Comprehensive Plan is the Village of North Aurora’s policy document for future growth and development. Authorized by Illinois State Law (65 ILCS 5/11-12-5) it informs local decisions regarding land use, infrastructure, transportation, parks and recreation, and community services and facilities. It acts as the Village’s “roadmap” or “blueprint” to a better future.
Meeting Information
The Village’s website contains the notices and agendas, as they become available, for all public meetings scheduled, including Village Board meetings, Committee of the Whole meetings, Plan Commission meetings and all Committee meetings. The meeting dates are also posted on the Village Calendar on the website. Minutes for all public meetings are posted on the website, once approved. Please note that meeting dates may change and meetings may be cancelled subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
- Agendas
- Board Packets
- Minutes
- Village Board/Committee of the Whole Meeting Schedule
- Plan Commission Meeting Schedule
Public Records / F.O.I.A. (Freedom of Information Act)
The Village’s website includes the name, address, phone number, and email address for the appointed F.O.I.A. Officers for both the Village Administration and for the Police Department. The website includes a F.O.I.A. page which outlines the F.O.I.A. process and includes an on-line FOIA form, a pdf version of the FOIA request forms, the organizational information, as well as, a list of documents that are immediately available.
Social Media Policy
Financial Information
Please find the North Aurora Fiscal Year Budget, the Capital Improvement Plan and the Budget in Brief on the Finance Department Page, linked below.
The North Aurora Treasurer’s Report, for the past five years are posted on the Finance Department page.
- Building Permit and Construction Fees
- Water/Sewer Rates
- Groot Waste Stickers and Toter Rentals (garbage, yard, bulk items, etc.)
- Annual Licenses / Registrations
- Business Registration | Fee: $50
- Liquor Licenses | Fees: Vary
- Hotel/Motel | Fee: $300
- Tobacco | Fee: $105
- Tattoo / Piercing | Fee: $250 (establishment) ; Fee: $100 (operator; one-time only)
Financial Audits
The Annual Comprehensive Financial Audit Reports, for the past five years, are posted on the Finance Department page.
Popular Annual Financial Report (P.A.F.R.) – the purpose of the P.A.F.R. is to summarize and convey the Village of North Aurora’s financial activities to its citizens and stakeholders in an easy to read format.
Salary and Benefits
Tax Information
North Aurora Tax Information including Property Tax and Sales Tax and Utility Tax rates:
Collective Bargaining Agreements
- International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, Public Employees Division – June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2027
- Metropolitan Alliance of Police – June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2025
- Illinois FOP Labor Council (Police Sergeants) – June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2027
The Village of North Aurora does not directly engage in lobbying. Professional Associations and Councils of Government will lobby on behalf of municipalities throughout the state.
The Village of North Aurora is a member of the following professional associations that may or may not lobby on behalf of municipalities, including the Village of North Aurora:
Illinois Municipal League
Annual Dues $1,500
500 East Capitol Avenue
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Phone: 217-525-1220
Metro West Council of Government
Annual Dues $5,866
5 East Downer Place, Suite E
Aurora IL 60505
Phone: 630.859.1331
Fax: 630.859.1336
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
Annual Dues $754
233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 312-201-4505