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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

North Aurora Brick Sign

Other Public Works Programs

Sanitary Sewer

Please contact the Village Hall at 630-897-8228 FIRST, if your residence experiences a sanitary sewer back-up. The Public Works Department will check the main sewer line to your home for any problems or blockages, prior to residents calling a plumber. If a sewer back-up occurs after regular business hours (Mon. – Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) contact the North Aurora Police Department at 630-897-8705 to have the on-call Public Works employee(s) paged to check out the sewer.

Street Lights

To report streetlight outages, please note if the streetlight pole is wood, these streetlights are repaired by Com-Ed and the outage can be reported to Com-Ed at 1-800-334-7661. Streetlights that are on metal or concrete poles are repaired by the Village of North Aurora at 630-897-8228. Please call to report an outage as soon as possible, so the outage can be added to the list. Streetlight repairs are done when there are a number of reported outages in any one area.

Sump Pump

Sump pump discharge shall be directly connected to the public underground storm sewer system. If the public storm sewer system for connection is not available the sump can be discharge at grade with the location approved by the Public Works Director or designee.

Overhead Sewer Grant Program Application

This program is designed to help eligible residents offset the cost of plumbing improvements needed to prevent future flooding associated with sanitary sewer back-ups..


Mosquito Abatement

The Village of North Aurora contracts with Clarke Mosquito for our Mosquito Abatement Program. Clarke employees conduct ongoing inspections to determine larval activity with the following applications.

  • Helicopter pre-hatch treatments of historical breeding areas are scheduled for late May, late June and late July as needed when mosquito larvae is present and usually between 8 a.m. to noon.
  • Catch Basins are treated April & August with tablets that dissolve over 3-4 months in the water.
  • Community wide truck spraying occurs monthly May 15th–Sept. 15th when temperatures are above 50 degrees. Spraying will not be done when raining. The river is treated during this time with a truck spraying right up to the river and over the body of water.
  • Ponds or standing water sites are inspected and treated 9 times throughout the season.

Please call the Clarke Mosquito Hotline or use the portal for any of the following information:  To report high volume of mosquito activity; to request information for when areas of the Village was last sprayed; to report stagnant water; and/or to add your phone number to an automatic call notification list for when trucks will be spraying in your area.

Clarke Mosquito Hotline

Clark Mosquito Website

Right of Way Permits

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