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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

General FAQ

Hazardous waste can be dropped off at the Naperville Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at 156 Fort Hill Drive, Naperville, IL. Phone No. 630-420-6095. Hours of Operation: Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. excluding holidays. For more information, please visit their website at:

The Kane County Recycling program will include three week-day drop-off locations throughout the county, as well as the one-day collection events held in St. Charles. For more information on the Kane County Electronic Recycling Program click the following link: Cost for TVs and monitors – There will be a fee for TVs and computer monitors – both tube and flat screen – across the board for all drop-off locations and the event. The fee will be $25 for screens 20 inches and under (measured diagonally) and $35 for screens 21 inches and over. For more information on all Kane County Recycling, including hazardous waste, paint, electronics and more, visit the County’s websit: Kane County Recycling Website

A permit is not required for garage sales. However, garage sale signs may only be placed on the private property hosting the sale. Signs are not allowed on entrance corners of subdivisions, parkways, etc.

The sewer maintenance fee is paid to the Village to maintain the Village’s sewer lines. This maintenance fee is different from the Fox Metro sewer bill which is billed to residents for the treatment of sewer water.

Watering Restrictions in North Aurora are as follows: Watering is allowed only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. with the following restrictions; ONLY properties with even numbered street addresses may use water for restricted watering purposes on even-numbered days of the month only; and ONLY properties with odd-numbered street addresses may use water for restricted watering purposes on odd-numbered days of the month. Please contact the Water Department at 630-897-8228, ext. 223 with questions or concerns.

The Village prioritizes plowing based on road usage. Primary streets and collector streets are plowed first, secondary streets are next, and cul-de-sacs are plowed last.

The Kane County Treasurers Office collects all tax payments at 719 South Batavia Avenue, Geneva, IL. You can expect to receive your property tax bill by the second week of May. The first installment is due by June 1st in order to avoid penalty, while the second installment is due September 1st.

You can register to vote at the Village Hall, the Kane County Voters Registration Office, and the Messenger Public Library.

No, please see your vet for paperwork on registering with Kane County. The Village does not have a separate license.

To report on troublesome mosquito areas, or to find out when the Village was recently sprayed for mosquitoes, call the Clarke Mosquito Hotline at 1-800-942-2555.

Please Visit see the Refuse and Recycling page of this website: or call the North Aurora Village Hall at 630-897-8228.

Village of North Aurora

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