During snowfall events, residents are reminded that there is No Parking after 2 Inches of snowfall on Village streets. The Village of North Aurora strives to clear our roads of snow and ice as quickly and safely as possible and vehicles parked on the streets can impede the process. Parking tickets can be issued and vehicles towed at the owner’s expense, so please do your part to both avoid a penalty and help to keep our roads clear.
It is also illegal for snow to be dumped, shoveled, or blown into the road, as this delays the snow removal process and can cause dangerous situations.
Snow removal is based on street usage and levels of traffic. Priority streets are plowed first followed by secondary streets that collect and distribute vehicle traffic between the local street system and priority streets. Cul-de-sacs, alleys, dead ends and sidewalks will be plowed last, as they are the least traveled.
Whenever possible, residents are asked to help the North Aurora Fire Protection District by clearing snow from around the fire hydrant on or near your property. Thank you!