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Construction Project Updates July 10

Construction Project Updates July 10, 2020

Well Number 8 & 9
This week Village Staff met with the consulting engineer to develop a plan to address the electrical issues at Well 9 and address the substantial completion date of the project.

Maple and Elm Water Main
As of Friday morning 16 houses on Elm have had their water services replaced.  It is possible by the end of the day that all the services on Elm will be replaced and the excavation of a few on Maple street may begin. Next week the replacement of services on Maple Street will continue.

2020 Street Improvements
After the water services are installed on Maple and Elm, the road program will resume on these streets beginning with removal and concrete work.  At that time punch list work, sidewalk replacement, and a drainage improvement on Locust will also begin.

Monday limbs were removed from a tree obstructing access to the silo.  Tuesday, the painters completed the power washing of the silo and have begun the restoration work.  Restoration work will continue next week.

Village of North Aurora

Install Village of North Aurora

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