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Construction Project Updates May 29


Construction Project Updates May 29, 2020

Well Number 8 & 9 Well Electrical Work
This week consultants, contractors, ComEd, and Village Staff have been working on troubleshooting electrical issues at Well 9. We are awaiting operating permits for both wells from the IEPA.  Next week the electrical issues will continue to be evaluated.

Maple and Elm Water Main
This week the installation of the water main was and pressure testing was completed on Maple and Elm Streets.  The mains were chlorinated and samples are being taken to the labs.  Next week, after the water achieves passing results, construction will start on the water services.

2020 Street Improvements
The project started on May 22, 2020 and continued this week with saw cutting and removal of concrete sidewalk and curb on the Dee, Laurel, Briar, April, Arrowhead.   Resident notifications are being distributed to those residents whose driveways will be impacted by construction.  Next week concrete removal will continue and these areas will be framed for concrete to be poured back later in the week.

Street construction on Maple and Elm will occur after the watermain replacement project is complete.

The contract for the Silo Illumination and Restoration project was awarded at the May 18, 2020 Village Board meeting.  The electrical supply for the project is waiting for connection from ComEd.


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