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Construction Project Updates November 1


Construction Project Updates November 1, 2019


Well Number 8  & 9 Transmission Mains
Patnick Construction has completed the Well 9 Transmission mains.  The Well #8 transmission main installation project has been delayed due to the saturated conditions of the soils.  Staff is meeting with the contractor to discuss alternative construction options and schedule impacts. The revised completion date has been identified as January 1, 2019

Well Number 8 & 9 Pumps and Motors
Contracts have been signed and the next step will be to approve shop drawings and getting the equipment ordered. The anticipated completion date of this project is mid-February 2020.

Well Number 8 & 9 Well Building (Site Work)
The contract for this project was awarded at the Village Board meeting on October 21, 2019.  The substantial completion date for this work is the first week of May, 2020.  The preconstruction meeting with be contractor was on Friday November 1, 2019.

Well Number 8 & 9 Electrical
The contract for this project was awarded at the Village Board meeting on October 21, 2019.  The substantial completion date for this work is the first week of May, 2020. 

Sullivan Road Water Main
This project has been awarded to the low bidder at the Village Board meeting on September 23, 2019.  The surveyor has completed the construction layout, the snow received this week delayed the start of the project.  The contractor is scheduled to mobilize on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.

2018 Street Improvements
Asphalt core samples and soil borings are being collected on Friday November 1, 2019 at the intersection of Oak and Orchard for further evaluation.

2019 Street Improvements
The 2019 Streets Improvements project has been completed except for restoration and punch list items. The only major outstanding item is the re-paving of the driveway to the Public Works facility.  An IDOT permit is being processed based on the weather forecast it is likely this the paving will take place next year.

The Village met with R.C. Wegman and M2 to discuss developing a design build project for the silo.

The project began this week in Timber Oaks and Tanner Trails with the installation of the LED lights.  The project is on schedule to be completed December 1, 2019.

Tree Planting Program
The tree planting program will begin the week of November 4, 2019.  Staff has placed white flags in the parkway denoting the locations of the proposed trees.  



Village of North Aurora

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