Monday, March 4, 2024
Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Village Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Brandon Tonarelli, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.
TRUSTEE COMMENTS – Trustee Niedzwiedz expressed concern regarding the new Verilife signage at their new location. He stated that the signs were their typical branding with the addition of “cannabis store” under their logo. He asked if the staff could look into the possibility of changing it.
Administrator Bosco stated that in the code there are a set of rules for adult use cannabis which defers to the State of Illinois rules, which does have a section on signage. The state rules say that a dispensary is not allowed to use a marijuana plant or similar imagery on their signs, however staff did not see anything about using the work cannabis in their signage.
There was discussion regarding what had been said about their signage when the new Verilife building had come before the Board in the past. Administrator Bosco stated that staff would look further into the previous discussions.
The Board’s sentiment was that while they did not find the new Verilife sign offensive, it would be prudent to speak with Verilife to confirm whether a sign design change would be a possibility.
Attorney Drendel noted that anytime the Village wants to regulate the content of a sign, it is risking infringing on First Amendment rights. While the Village cannot make Verilife take their sign down, staff can call and let them know that there have been some concerns from residents regarding the sign.
- Clover Senior Housing Concept Plan
Administrator Bosco introduced the first agenda item explaining it was to be a discussion regarding a proposed senior housing complex located in the Towne Center Development on the north side of Orchard Gateway, directly behind the JCPenny area.
Community Development Director Darga stated that Clover Development was looking to build the development within Towne Center. Towne Center was originally approved in 2006, the lot directly to the north of the Towne Center development was called Lot 16. The original Towne Center PUD did have a residential component, originally slated for lot 20, the PUD was amended and warehouses were approved, paving the way for the warehouse that sits on lot 20 now. There was not currently a spot for residential.
Clover Development was proposing a four story building on the eastern portion of the lot, for senior living. The development would be 5.4 acres, 124 units, 95% of which would be two bedroom units. The building would be restricted to 55 and over but not assisted living. Each unit would have its’ own amenities with kitchens. The plan calls for 150 parking spaces, including 40 in-garage spaces. Staff had concerns that if the remaining property surrounding the development remained commercial, then this residential building could end up having something industrial next to it. The owner of the adjacent property was open to rezoning the property to residential conditional upon Clover and whether a residential building went in lot 16.
Russell Caplin, Regional Director of Development for Clover Development spoke about Clover, stating that they are owner/operator of many senior independent living apartment complexes. He spoke about Clover’s approach to senior living and what could be expected from the proposed apartment complex.
He explained that the community would be for ages 55 and better, there would be a community room, fitness center and on site salon and coffee bar but the majority of the residents’ needs would need to be found off site. There would be programming offered for residents such as group dinners, games and day trips. Caplin stated that the rental pricing would include utilities.
Trustee Guethle asked what one might expect to pay for a two bedroom, Caplin stated that Clover was still studying pricing, however he estimated somewhere within the $1,600 to $2,000 range.
Trustee Curtis stated that she approved of the idea and expressed that she hopes that the wetlands in the area were taken advantage of with perhaps trails constructed. Director Darga said that the wetlands were owned by a different property owner so the idea would need to be researched.
Trustee Salazar also approved of the idea stating that she believed it would bring vibrancy to the area and may lead to more development, bringing more restaurants to the area.
Trustee Niedzwiedz approved of the idea and asked whether the Village had a building code regarding not allowing a building to be more than three stories. Director Darga explained that in a previous request a builder already had approval for a three story building but wanted to add a fourth floor but was denied because of the proximity to nearby neighborhoods.
There was further discussion regarding what could potentially be constructed adjacent to the proposed apartment building.
Mayor Gaffino asked where Clover’s nearest senior living complex was, Caplin stated that Clover had no developments nearby, they were established in Michigan and Kansas City.
Mayor Gaffino expressed his approval adding that having the adjacent property to the west zoned residential would be optimal but he would hate to have to count out retail or commercial developments to the east. Attorney Drendel explained that if the Village rezoned one lot that would appear to be spot zoning which is not legal. There would be more basis to rezone two lots as residential. Director Darga suggested doing it all in the PUD and not rezoning.
Trustee Niedzwiedz asked Caplin if the development were to be successful, would Clover consider purchasing the adjacent lot in the future. Caplin stated that if it were still available when the building is up and stabilized, Clover would probably be happy to.
Caplin went on to answer questions from the Village Board about what could be expected from the proposed senior living community.
- 2024-2025 Budget Overview
Administrator Bosco reminded the Board that the Village’s fiscal year begins June 1 and the Village begins its budget process usually in late December and early January. The first Board meeting in March is where an overview of the budget is typically presented.
Finance Director Paprocki began the presentation with a look at personnel changes. The Village’s part time IT Assistant would go from part time to full time and an additional Water Department position was also under consideration. Administrator Bosco added that Water Department employees are paid out of the Water Fund rather than the General Fund. Paprocki stated that some of the assumptions that the Village was working with regarding personnel were that pay adjustments for Police Officers would be an increase of 4.25% and Non-Union staff increase would be 3.0%. In regard to health insurance, medical HMO would increase by 5.7% while PPO decreases by 0.8%, there would be no change in dental HMO but a 4.0% increase for dental PPO. The IMRF rate (pension for non-public safety employees) would be a blended rate of 10.2%.
The Village currently had two outstanding debt certificates. The first was the 2014 debt which was used to construct the Police Department, paid for by sales tax revenue or pledge sales tax revenue. The total due for the upcoming year was $638,200. The 2017 debt, which was taken out for water infrastructure improvements, shall be paid for by water user fees in the amount of $494,175 in the upcoming year.
Paprocki highlighter six of the Village’s top revenue sources. He stated that Sales and Cannabis taxes were projected to be down 0.4% for next fiscal year. Income tax up 0.7%., Use Tax up 0.4%, Property Tax up 3.8%, Building Permits fees down 54.4% and Cable Franchise fees down 2.9%.
Within the State’s proposed budget, there was the elimination of the 1% grocery tax. Should that pass, the Village could expect to see a sales tax decrease of $669,000 to $765,000. This may mean that the Village’s annual transfer to the Capital Fund may be eliminated, the Village may have to reduce vehicle and equipment replacement transfers, reallocate and/or raise utility tax, or reduce operational budget requests.
Paprocki stated that some things expected to see within the General Fund would be a $50,000 increase in sales tax rebates due to Genesis dealership being open the full year, the Police pension contribution will increase by $200,040, staff was budgeting $518,760 for future vehicle and equipment replacement, the debt payment for the construction of the Police Station of $625,675, and the Capital Fund transfer was projected to be $400,000.
Paprocki spoke about project estimates to come from the Capital Projects Fund, $2,300,000 for the 2024 annual road program, and $1,365,000 for the Public Works Facility engineering/design/construction management.
It was projected that $700,000 would be transferred from the Route 31 TIF to the United TIF.
The United Fund TIF was expected to experience a property tax revenue increase of $603,700. The Route 31/Airport Road construction was budgeted to cost $575,000, however a $500,000 DCEO grant had been awarded and applied to the project.
Paprocki stated that the Village was assuming a 12.5% water rate increase in year two of the five year plan. Some major projects planned for the Water Fund were SCADA System Upgrade which was $600,000 carried over from the previous year’s budget, Well #6 improvements at $300,000, various west treatment plant improvements budgeted for $191,000, various east treatment plant improvements budgeted for $106,000, the Clearwater, Lovedale, Offutt, Fox River watermain which was a carryover from the previous year budgeted at $500,000, and the beginning of the Central Water Tower construction for $1,000,000 of a $7,000,000 total project cost.
Administrator Bosco credited Director Richter and Assistant Director Tonarelli with choosing to line the existing watermain rather than excavating was a great savings to the Village.
Paprocki stated that while there were no major purchases planned for the Vehicle and Equipment fund, the Village did plan to outfit four police squad cars ($80,000) and the Public Works 5-yard truck that was on backorder would be carried over from the previous budget ($350,000).
Paprocki explained that there had been a few pieces of major equipment requested to purchase, a Public Works wood chipper ($82,000), Riverfront Park audio and camera system ($45,000), Police Department audio visual system ($60,000), and Police Department VR training equipment ($69,500). Chief DeLeo provided the Village Board with an explanation of the VR equipment requested and fielded questions regarding it.
Paprocki stated that there was a 2023-2024 General Fund surplus of $2,000,000 projected. Some options for these funds were presented as a possible additional Capital Fund transfer, additional police pension contributions, or property acquisition.
Paprocki explained that the Village needed to determine what the funding source would be for the new Public Works Facility. If the Village decided to move forward with the Public Works Facility, a budget amendment would be needed to approve of construction costs.
Paprocki wrapped his overview up with the projected budget timeline. He stated that he hoped to have the budget completed within the following two weeks and to the Committee of the Whole for discussion on March 18th. If additional budget discussion were to be needed, that would happen at the Committee of the Whole on April 1st and 15th. There will be an official Public Hearing on April 15th and then to the Village Board for final approval on May 6, 2024.
There were no questions from the Board regarding the budget overview.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – Land Acquisition/Sale of Property
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. All in favor. Motion approved.
Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community Development Director Nathan Darga, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Village Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Brandon Tonarelli
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessi Watkins
Village Clerk