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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Meeting

SEPTEMBER 18, 2006

Village President John Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustees Paul Shoemaker, Dale Berman, Linda Mitchell, Mark Gaffino, Max Herwig. Not in attendance: Trustee Mike Herlihy.

Staff in attendance: Atty. Kevin Drendel, Sue McLaughlin, Bill Hannah, Dewayne Williams, Mike Glock, Jim Bibby, Tom Fetzer, Mark Bozik.

Barbara Schantzen, 207B Linn Court, North Aurora – President of the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association, Schantzen said she had received notice from the Village that the trash dumpsters need to be enclosed in fencing. Schantzen noted that the dumpsters are not visible from the street. Schantzen mentioned several reasons why enclosing the dumpsters with fencing would not be possible at this time:

-Alleys not wide enough for garbage trucks if enclosures are built around dumpsters.
-Snow removal would be difficult.
-Enclosures would be built in the fire lanes and if there were a fire in the back units the fire truck
would most likely not be able to fit.
-There is parking in the east alley and the width between the parking and the trash enclosures
would not be sufficient.
-The south end would be too tight of a turn if the enclosures are built.
-A danger for children running out between the enclosures and into moving cars.
-No place to put the recycle dumpster enclosures.
-No place to pile snow.
-The cost of nearly $40,000 is much more than the development has, even in reserves.

Schantzen also noted that a lot of lighting was installed since people would hide in the back alleys. If the enclosures are installed this would allow people to hide and possibly carry on drug deals and other illegal activities.

DeWayne Williams said the Board passed an ordinance a couple years back requiring all dumpsters to be enclosed. Williams said the Village has started enforcing the ordinance and notices have been sent to all residents who have garbage dumpsters. Notices were sent approximately 6 weeks ago and a due date of November 1st to be in compliance. Trustee Herwig said he does not see how the dumpsters could be enclosed because of the location. Herwig suggested the trustees drive to Linn Court and look at the areas being discussed. Schantzen said the location has a cleaning lady that cleans the garbage areas and makes sure garbage is not on the property and around the garbage dumpsters. Village President Hansen said he has received many complaints from other areas in town regarding enclosures for dumpsters that are unsightly and thus the ordinance was put in place.

Trustee Mitchell said she used to own one of the units and these townhomes are not a commercial unit or apartment complex and there are a lot of people who own and occupy the units. The residents have made a concerted effort to work with the police department to try resolves issues that were problematic in the past. Mitchell said this is a circumstance where the Village would be causing more problems than helping by forcing the enclosures. Mitchell added that it is unrealistic to expect someone to put up $40,000 for an unexpected expense and do it within 30 days. Mitchell suggested some sort of variance or exception. Mitchell said there is not another place in the community exactly like Linn Court so this would not be setting a precedent if an exception was made. Village President Hansen said that the intent of the ordinance was to reduce unsightliness and if that has been addressed, that might be a reason to consider looking into the situation further.

Williams noted that the garbage containers are not unsightly on Linn Court, however, the Board passed the ordinance and the Staff does not have the authority to deviate. Village President Hansen asked Atty. Drendel to look into the Ordinance and get back to the Board with options.

Jackie Gonet 214 Linn Court, North Aurora – Gonet mentioned her concern regarding speeding on Linn Court. Gonet said she has called on numerous occasions with the make and model of cars speeding but the drivers are never caught. Gonet asked about getting speed bumps installed. Hansen noted that normally offenders are the people who live in the neighborhood and speed bumps would not be the answer. Village President Hansen asked Chief Fetzer to increase speed enforcement and issue tickets on the spot. Mitchell asked if a resident could sign a complaint if they witness the speeding. Atty. Drendel said that speeding is not the approach, but to go after the offense of reckless driving. Jim Bibby said this was a serious ongoing concern throughout construction that was mentioned by two engineers. Bibby added that even during construction, when the pavement was removed, traffic did not slow down and the concern was that a car would go into a trench. Bibby said that enforcement will not take care of the situation and some physical traffic calming needs to be done. Bibby said he wanted to look into the situation further with this assistance of Mike Glock. Gonet noted that in the last year three children have been hit in this are due to speeding. Village President Hansen authorized the police to issue tickets and the Village to look at situations to resolve the issue.


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