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Police Pension Minutes

Police Pension Minutes

North Aurora Police Pension

Board of Trustees

Special Board Meeting

Minutes of the meeting – May 12, 2021



The meeting was called to order at 4:30pm, by Robyn Stecklein and was held electronically via Zoom.  Roll call was conducted and members present were as follows:  Robyn Stecklein, Steve Van Loan, Greg Manko, Mark Swoboda and Mary Licar.  Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Board Attorney Charles Atwell, Finance Director/Treasurer Bill Hannah and Attorney John Kelly were also present.


Audience Comments



Application for Disability Pension Benefits of John Kerlin – Hearing on Village of North Aurora’s “Motion to Intervene”


Attorney Atwell told the Board that he had received the Village’s written Motion to Intervene in the John Kerlin application and that Attorney Booth, representing John Kerlin, had no objections to the Motion. Attorney Kelly explained the reasoning for the Village’s motion in terms of the financial impact and its effect on other matters, and in terms of being consistent with the other disability case that the Village filed a motion to intervene with. Attorney Atwell recommended that the Village’s motion be granted.


Steve Van Loan made a motion to approve the Village’s Motion to Intervene, seconded by Greg Manko. A roll call vote was taken: Van Loan – Yes; Stecklein – Yes; Licar – Yes; Swoboda – Yes; Manko – Yes. Motion passes 5-0.


Attorney Atwell made a reference to additional subpoenas related to the matter that would be going out.



A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:38 by Steve; seconded by Mark.  A roll call vote was taken: Van Loan – Yes; Stecklein – Yes; Licar – Yes; Swoboda – Yes; Manko – Yes. Motion passes 5-0.



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