The Village of North Aurora has officially appointed a new Chief of Police.
Chief Joe DeLeo was administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Mark Gaffino on Monday, June 27, 2022, at the North Aurora Police Department in a ceremony attended by Chief DeLeo’s family, Village officers and staff, elected officials and the public.
Chief DeLeo began his career with the North Aurora Police Department in 1997 as a patrol officer and since then has served in numerous roles throughout the department including traffic officer, detective, evidence technician, patrol sergeant, administrative sergeant, detective sergeant and deputy chief, which he was appointed to in 2017 by former Police Chief David Fisher.
Chief DeLeo expressed how excited he was for his new role and said his passion and energy is going to be primarily focused on the Police Department’s community engagement and approachability.
“We are pleased that Joe will be our new Chief,” said Mayor Mark Gaffino. “He has high energy, is a team player and we know he will do a fantastic job! We are very much looking forward to Chief DeLeo at the helm of our Police Department.”
Chief DeLeo conveyed his thanks to Chief David Fisher for what he has done for both Chief DeLeo and the Department. “I’ve learned so much from Chief Fisher,” DeLeo said. “He set us down a positive road and I am honored to take the wheel.”
Chief Fisher retired on Friday, June 24, 2022 after serving the Village of North Aurora community for 30 years, during which he served as a patrol officer, D.A.R.E. instructor, field training officer, detective, patrol sergeant, deputy chief, and finally Chief of Police for the last five years.
“Chief Fisher was a staple in our community and an exemplary definition of a police chief,” Mayor Gaffino said. “We will certainly miss him, but thank him for his 30 years of dedicated service and wish him the best on his retirement.”
The Village of North Aurora congratulates Chief David Fisher on his retirement and congratulates Chief Joe DeLeo on his appointment and look forward to what the future will bring!