Monday, November 14, 2022
Call to Order
Mark Gaffino called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Mark Gaffino, Jessi Watkins, Julie Shoemaker, Holly O’Brien, Lynn Miller, Steve Bosco, and Chris Wagner.
Approval of Minutes
Jessi Watkins made a motion to approve the September 12, 2022 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Lynn Miller.
Motion to Approve: All in Favor
Jessi Watkins made a motion to approve the October 10, 2022 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Lynn Miller.
Motion to Approve: All in Favor
1. Discussion of North Aurora Days Budget
Village Administrator Steve Bosco gave a brief summary of the previous meetings’ discussion regarding the event budget and assignments. Bosco stated that in the interest of getting the committee more involved in the process, each member was assigned an area of focus. Julie Shoemaker stated that she had already begun exploring various event options based on what she has observed at other community festivals. Chairman Gaffino acknowledged and discussed some historical options that could be reintroduced.
2. Discussion of North Aurora Days
Chairman Gaffino noted that committee member Doug Botkin resigned from the committee.
The committee discussed various challenges for planning different types of entertainment, such as staffing, space restrictions, cost, parking and storage. Holly O’Brien suggested some of the sponsor tent areas could be replaced with games in some locations.
Chairman Gaffino went over several bands that had been hired in the past, highlighting some of the crowd favorites. Administrator Bosco asked committee members to each do research and report back with a list of a few favorites in order to compile a list for selection by the group. Lynn Miller stated that she felt a variety would be more appropriate than a tribute band. Jessi Watkins suggested a new approach to move away from the traditional selection process. O’Brien agreed and suggested that the group selects a popular band with a large fan base and fill in with less expensive options for opening acts. Lynn Miller suggested using a higher profile band to obtain sponsors. Administrator Bosco asked the committee members to send staff their top choices so staff may check availability.
With no further discussion, Jessi Watkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 pm, which was seconded by Holly O’Brien.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Wagner