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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Beautification Committee Minutes

Monday, April 18, 2022
Call to Order
Al Broholm called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Al Broholm, Edoardo Tabasso, Ann Hosler, Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Director of Public Works John Laskowski and Administrative Analyst Christine Wagner.
Approval of Minutes
Having no quorum, the approval of the minutes dates January 17, 2022 was tabled until the next meeting.
Discussion/New Business
1. Lincoln Memorial Mural Location/Placement
Administrator Bosco provided background information based on the previous meetings’ discussion and presented the location options evaluated by staff at the police department property. The options included placing the mural on a blank wall of the police station or constructing a frame in a grassy area near the corner of Airport Road and Route 31. The committee expressed support of hanging the mural on the building wall with the relocation of a sapling in the landscaping that may obscure the view of the mural. Administrator Bosco stated that the item would be back before the committee for action at the next meeting.
2. Property Recognition Program
Administrator Bosco went over a sample outline of how a community operated property recognition program, such as for landscaping with floral display, Halloween décor or a Christmas/Holiday light display. Residents would nominate various properties in town and members of the committee would judge the list of properties and give awards. Al Broholm spoke in support of the idea and stated that the Lions Club and Exchange Club had worked on similar projects in the past in the community. Administrator Bosco stated that it is up to the committee as to what direction they wanted to take; it was very open, but the committee would have to serve as the judges. Al Broholm expressed interest in doing the landscaping display or curb appeal program in summer. Administrator Bosco stated that it may be tough with timing to get a program policy in place before the season ended and that it might be more appropriate to focus on the holiday lights program first. Discussion was had regarding the timing of committee and necessary board approvals that are needed to get the program in place. Administrator Bosco stated that staff would work towards getting the policy established as soon as possible.
3. General Discussion/Project Updates
Director Laskowski informed the committee members that the flower order had been placed in March and that some substitutions may happen if there are supply chain problems with certain flowers. He stated that the landscaping projects at the Police Station and Village Hall discussed previously were awaiting a quote and would be brought to the committee. Laskowski stated that the weed control discussed at the last meeting on Oak Street had been included on the Village contract for the season for additional spraying and cutting.
Al Broholm inquired about plantings and other features in Riverfront Park. Administrator Bosco stated that the landscaping plans, along with the rest of the improvements, had been put on hold by the Village Board due to the potential removal of the dam.
With no further business, Al Broholm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 pm, which was seconded by Edoardo Tabasso.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Wagner

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