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Construction Updates: August 23, 2024

Construction Updates: August 23, 2024

August 23

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor completed the final layer of asphalt throughout the Windstone subdivision, which was the remainder of the project area.  The asphalt restorations and topsoil restorations throughout the project were substantially completed.  Pavement markings throughout the project were also completed.

Next week, the contractor will be completing general project area clean up as well as beginning to complete punch list items.  The Village will be continuing to monitor the grass restoration and notify the contractor of areas that require additional grass seed.

August 16

This week the contractor completed the aggregate base work and first layer of asphalt in Windstone.  They completed the final layer of asphalt throughout most of the Oak Hill subdivision.  The asphalt apron restorations throughout the project are substantially completed.

On Monday, they plan to complete the remainder of the final layer of asphalt in Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions.  Throughout the remainder of the week, they will complete the rest of the grass restoration within Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions.      Pavement markings throughout the project are also planned to be completed next week.

August 9

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor completed the final asphalt surface on Harmony and Silver Trail.  They completed the pavement removal throughout Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions and completed the aggregate base work in the Oak Hill subdivision.  They have started this work within Windstone and will complete it on Monday.  They placed the first layer of asphalt throughout most the Oak Hill subdivision.


On Tuesday, they plan to complete the remainder of the first layer of asphalt in Oak Hill and to do all the first layer of asphalt in Windstone.  Throughout the remainder of the week, they will be placing the final layer of asphalt within Oak Hill subdivision followed by Windstone subdivision.

August 2

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor substantially completed the concrete work on the project.   The aggregate base work was completed on Harmony and Silver Trail.  The final layer of asphalt was placed on Flagstone, Hickory, and Ridge. Topsoil restoration has begun in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions.

Next week (week of August 5th), the contractor plans to complete the existing asphalt pavement removal on all the streets within the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions.  The pavement removal is planned to start on Monday.  Following the pavement removal they will begin the aggregate base work.

On Monday, they plan to place the first layer, as well as the final layer of asphalt on Harmony and Silver Trail.


July 26

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor continued removals in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions as well as framing and placing concrete.  The first layer of asphalt on Hickory and Ridge were completed.  A few more aggregate base repairs ended up being needed on Ridge and Hickory and were also completed, which pushed back them completing the surface layer of asphalt on the remainder of the streets east of the river.  The existing asphalt pavement was removed on Silver Trail and Harmony.  Topsoil restoration has mostly bene completed on all streets east of the river, as well as Harmony and Silver Trail.

Next week (week of July 29th), the contractor plans to complete the remaining concrete curb and sidewalk in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions.

On Monday, the contractor will complete aggregate base work on Harmony and Silver Trail.    Mid-week the contractor plans to complete the first layer of asphalt on Silver Trail and Harmony followed by placing the final layer of asphalt later the same day or following day.  The last half of the week the contractor is also planning on placing the final layer of asphalt on Flagstone, Hickory, and Ridge.


July 19

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor continued removals in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions as well as framing and placing concrete.  The contractor has substantially completed apron restorations on all the streets east of the river as well as Silver Trail and Harmony.  The aggregate base repairs on all streets east of the river were completed, as well as the first layer of asphalt on Anna, Sharon, Laurel, and Flagstone.  The final surface layer was completed on Sharon, Laurel, and Anna.  Hickory has part of the first layer of asphalt placed, but due to issues at the asphalt plant may not get finished today.

On Saturday, the concrete crew will be removing lumber from areas that they poured today.

Next week the contractor plans to continue removing the remaining concrete curb and sidewalk in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions, along with continuing with concrete preparation, and concrete placement throughout the week. The contractor’s landscaper will also begin completing topsoil and seed restoration on the streets on the east side of the river.

On Monday, the contractor will complete placing the first layer of asphalt on Hickory (if not completed today) and potentially on Ridge.  They will continue with Ridge on Tuesday and potentially doing the final surface on the remainder of the streets on the east side of the river mid to late next week.    Mid-week the contractor plans to complete the pavement removal on Silver Trail and Harmony.  Followed by the aggregate base repairs.

July 12

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor began removals in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions as well as framing and preparing for the concrete placement. The contractor began asphalt apron restorations on Ridge and Hickory. They also removed the roadway pavement on Ridge, Sharon, Laurel, Hickory, and Anna.

Next week the contractor will continue removing concrete curb and sidewalk in the Oak Hill and Windstone subdivisions, along with concrete preparation, and concrete placement throughout the week. The contractor will also be working on completing the remainder of asphalt apron restorations on the east side of the river, then moving to Silver Trail and Harmony mid-week.

On Monday, the contractor will begin performing aggregate base repairs on Ridge and Hickory. Tuesday and Wednesday grading, placing any additional aggregate where needed, and compacting the aggregate on all the streets on the east side of the river. Late in the week they may begin placing the first layer of asphalt on these streets.

July 5

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor finished removal of concrete curb and sidewalk on Silver Trail, Harmony, Ridge, and Hickory as well as framing and preparing for the concrete placement. They poured concrete curb and sidewalk on the remainder of Harmony, Silver Trail, Anna, Flagstone, and Ridge.

On Saturday, the contractor plans to place the remainder of concrete on Hickory. They also will start with some concrete removals in the Oak Hill subdivision. They will only be removing concrete that does not affect driveway access on Saturday.

On Monday, the contractor will continue removing concrete curb and sidewalk in the Oak Hill subdivision and throughout the week. Potentially beginning in the Windstone subdivision late in the week. They will be continuing to follow behind the removals with framing and prepping, followed by pouring the concrete in those areas.

Beginning Monday, the contractor will start prepping for and completing asphalt apron patches adjacent to the replaced concrete. Continue to complete this throughout the week. They plan to begin on Ridge and moving through the rest of the streets on the east side of the river. Followed by going to Harmony and Silver Trail.

Beginning Wednesday, the contractor will begin the street pavement removal. They plan to do the streets in the following order: Ridge, Sharon, Laurel, Flagstone, Hickory, Anna, Harmony, and Silver Trail. With the plan of having all these streets pavement removed by the end of the day Friday. The streets will remain open to traffic and the Contractor will create temporary ramps of stone at the bottoms of driveways to maintain driveway access throughout this phase of the project.

June 28

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor removed additional concrete curb and sidewalk on Silver Trail, Harmony, and Hickory as well as framing and preparing for the concrete placement.  They poured concrete curb and sidewalk on part Harmony, Anna, Flagstone, Hickory, and Ridge.  Unfortunately, due to the rain this week less than originally planned was accomplished.  For pouring new concrete it cannot be raining and the hole where the concrete is being placed needs to not have standing water.  When they are unable to place new concrete, it may also stop the progress of their removal operations to avoid getting too far ahead of the crew placing the concrete.

On Saturday, the contractor plans to work continuing to frame and prepare for concrete placement on Silver Trail.

On Monday, the contractor plans to place concrete on Silver Trail.  Tuesday placing concrete on Hickory.  The first half of the week they would be removing the portions of Ridge, Harmony, and Silver Trail that still need concrete to be removed.  They also will be continuing to follow behind the removals with framing and prepping, followed by pouring the concrete in those areas.   Mid to late next week they project starting removals in the Oak Hill subdivision.

June 21

2024 Road Program

The contractor had continued to saw cut the concrete items for removal on the western portion of the project, they plan to continue saw cutting next week and planning on finishing the saw cutting.

The contractor began removing concrete curb and sidewalk on Ridge, Sharon, Flagstone, April, Hickory, Harmony and Silver Trail this week.  They have followed behind the removals with framing and preparing for the concrete placement.  On Thursday, they poured concrete curb and sidewalk on part of Ridge, Sharon and Flagstone.  The contractor also began curbline drainage structure repairs on Ridge.

On Saturday, the contractor plans to work continuing to frame and prepare for concrete placement.

Next week the contractor will continue with concrete removals on Harmony and Silver Trail, then heading to the Oak Hill subdivision and then possibly later in the week, removing the portions of Ridge and Hickory that still need to be removed.  They also will be continuing to follow behind the removals with framing and prepping, followed by pouring the concrete.  On Tuesday, they are planning their next concrete pour on Hickory, Flagstone, and April.

For concrete replacements done through driveways, the contractor will remove the barricades once the concrete has cured enough to allow for vehicle traffic.

June 14

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor began saw cutting the concrete curb in the project area east of the Fox River.  They plan to continue saw cutting on Saturday.

Next week the contractor will continue saw cutting.  After completing the saw cutting east of the river, they will saw cut on Harmony and Silver Trail then moving to the Oak Hill subdivision and Windstone subdivision.

On Monday, the Contractor also plans to begin the concrete removals on Ridge Rd.  When they finish removals on Ridge, they will continue to complete removals on the other streets on the east side of the river.  The Contractor will post notices adjacent to driveways that will have their access removed at least 24 hours in advance of the removals.

June 10

2024 Road Program

This week the contractor plans to start saw cutting the concrete curb and sidewalk that is planned to be removed as a part of the project.  They anticipate starting as early as Wednesday, beginning on the area of the project that is east of the Fox River (Hickory, Flagstone, Sharon, Ridge, Anna).  Once they complete this area they will be working their way west.

Saw cutting will not affect driveway access, but please be aware that there is a slurry created from the cutting that can be tracked until it dries.

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