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Construction Project Updates August 14


Construction Project Updates August 14, 2020

2020 Street Improvements
This week the contractor finished all village wide hot-mix asphalt driveway patches, finished all curb and gutter on Maple & Elm, and restored access where possible to all residents on Maple & Elm. Next week Geneva Construction plans on finishing all hot-mix asphalt driveway patches early in the week. Towards the end of the week, they plan on milling Maple & Elm, patching, and possibly taking care of all the adjustments.

This week the roofers have completed work at the top of the silo and sand the general contractor has fabricated a door for the silo.  Staff has been researching remote communications options for the lights.  Next week, Public Works will assist the electrical contractor by installing the underground conduit. 




Village of North Aurora

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