Monday, August 7, 2023
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village Board meeting was conducted live remotely
via telecommunications.
Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community & Economic Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.
1. Village Board Minutes Dated 07/17/2023; Committee of the Whole Minutes Dated 07/17/2023
2. Interim Bills List Dated 07/21/2023 FY24 in the Amount of $1,554.05
3. Interim Bills List Dated 08/02/2023 FY24 in the Amount of $9,796.00
4. Bills List Dated 08/07/2023 FY23 in the Amount of $31,022.51
5. Bills List Dated 08/07/2023 FY24 in the Amount of $395,792.48
6. Approval of Social Worker Contract with A.I.D.’s Victims Services in the Amount of $35,000.00
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
1. Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.70 of the North Aurora Municipal Code Regulating Outdoor Special Events in the Village of North Aurora
Administrator Bosco reminded the Board of the recent conversations during Committee of the Whole meetings regarding the proposed changes to the Municipal Code regulating outdoor special events in the Village. The proposed changes would allow for more internal approvals, saving time and effort rather than bringing more routine situations to the Village Board for approval.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
2. Approval of Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.08.135 of the North Aurora Municipal Code Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor Outside in the Village of North Aurora
Administrator Bosco stated that this proposed amendment had been discussed alongside the previous amendment. This change would allow for the Village Liquor Commissioner, the Mayor, to issue approval of a special event liquor license request as well as a “bring your own” liquor for special events at North Aurora Riverfront Park.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
3. Approval of Ordinances Amending Chapter 5.35 of the North Aurora Municipal Code Regulating Mobile Food Vendors in the Village of North Aurora
Administrator Bosco stated that this agenda item had also been discusses recently at multiple Committee of the Whole meetings. This amendment would remove the requirement of a registration for mobile food vendors although they will still need to be licensed by Kane County. Bosco also stated that some definitions had been changed to include Mobile Food Apparatus not just Vendor in an effort to make it easier to approach the appropriate party if a code violation occurs. The changes would also extend the amount of time a food truck can be on a property. A vendor or the owner of the property can have a food truck two days a week for up to eight hours each day. Bosco said that the changes would also remove the Route 31 incubator program which allowed for establishments to utilize food trucks as a kitchen.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Lowery. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
VILLAGE PRESIDENT – Mayor Gaffino spoke about the success of North Aurora Days. He also complimented Staff, Public Works and the Police Department on their efforts throughout the weekend. He extended a special compliment and thanks to Natalie Stevens who handled all of the events.
TRUSTEES COMMENTS – Trustee Salazar complimented everyone involved in North Aurora Days stating that all involved did an excellent job.
ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Administrator Bosco stated that he was proud that every department within the Village takes an active role in the production of North Aurora Days and enjoys seeing staff attend the event with their families.
1. Finance – None
2. Community Development – None
3. Police – None
4. Public Works – None
5. Attorney- None
Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessi Watkins
Village Clerk