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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes

AUGUST 5, 2014

Chairman Mike Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Doug Botkin, Mark Bozik, Connie Holbrook, Anna Touhy, Mark Rivecco, Aaron Anderson. Absent: Tom Lenkart.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes of July 1, 2014
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.

1. Petition #14-11 The Village of North Aurora requests text amendments to Title 17, Chapters 12 & 16 of the North Aurora Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) regulating site development standards

Chairman Brackett opened public hearing. There were no audience comments.

Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth noted that the amendments were discussed with the Development Committee at the June 18th meeting. The committee wanted to limit the amount of accessory buildings on a property to two. Toth said he looked at the fence provisions to make sure everything was clear and concise. A recommendation by the Development Committee was that downspouts not protrude more than 36 inches into the yard.

Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Bozik questioned, in reference to fence table height in business and office districts. why the Village would want to limit them in corner and side yards. Bozik gave the example of Tastee Freeze which has a fence up front which serves a purpose. Toth said that was a carryover from the zoning ordinance which did not change. Toth added that when the building code requires separation between spaces, that trumps the zoning ordinance Toth said that this item refers more to aesthetics and is not so much for outdoor dining places as it is for car dealerships or similar

Bozik mentioned that the section stating that, “fences should not be constructed in a manner that obstructs the vision clearance of corner lots” is vague in the wording. The language that mentions that mechanical equipment needs to be to the rear and screened is vague and would be hard to enforce.
Commissioner Duncan questioned the height of the HVAC and what that height would be if there was an architectural design on the building. Duncan asked if that would affect the height restriction. Toth said this issue was taken out of the ordinance.

Commissioner Touhy said that under section 12.3 , item #6 states no more than two accessories will be added on. Tuohy asked if two sheds would be able to be built in the back yard. Toth said yes since a property would be allowed to have two accessory buildings. Touhy asked if paved driveways would be required to the back of a garage if the garage opens up to the back of a house. Village Administrator Steve Bosco said that since the ordinance was passed this year, a recreational vehicle or trailer, would be required to have a paved surface.

Bozik said there is not a clear trigger to determine a garage or accessory structure and is concerned with the rule being challenged. Toth said the definitions in the zoning ordinance reflect that a garage is a building either attached or detached to be used for the storage of vehicles. A shed is defined as a relatively small accessory building often purchased pre-built or as a kit in prefabricated sections not designed to be served by heating or plumbing.

Item D #8 – No fence equipped with having barbed wire, spikes or electrically charged fence. Commissioner Touhy asked if this would apply to farms. Toth said this would apply to all zoning ordinances. This can be looked into further and possibly be allowed for industrial & agricultural.

Table 12.1 (permitted encroachments)
Firewood storage – Touhy questioned the reasoning for not allowing firewood storage on the interior side yard. Commissioner Holbrook suggested removing the reference for firewood from Table 12.1.

Motion made by Commissioner Holbrook and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to accept the staff recommendations with the exception of changes discussed at this meeting for Case #14-11.

2. Petition #14-12 The Village of North Aurora requests the text amendments to the North Aurora Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance ) to reclassify Drug Stores as a permitted use in the B-2 General Business District and B-3 Central Business District.

Motion made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to accept the recommendations by staff and to waive the reading of the findings of fact. All in favor. Motion approved.

Chairman Brackett closed the public hearing.


-Doug Botkins was appointed to the Plan Commission.

-Hotel project was approved at last night’s board meeting. The Annexation agreement and PUD amendment was approved.

-Medical Cannabis text amendment was approved by the Village Board.

-Liberty has submitted for building permit for Building 2 on the northeastern lot. They are looking to complete Mitchell Road and will start development of the 430,000 s.f. building.

-BP got their occupancy. They addressed all of the Village’s concerns.

-Brackett asked about the property at 18 S. Lincolnway, Toth said it was purchased by Midwest Roofing as a business office.

-The owner of an outside storage facility for roofing supplies is looking at property on South Street.

-Activity Center – Houseal Lavigne did a quick board presentation a few weeks ago. They will make recommendations on the use and future use of the building.

-The Village Board reviewed the draft of the Strategic Plan for the last time. Within the plan are 6 goals and one is the Route 31 corridor. There will be items that will be directed on developing that corner.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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