To be eligible to register to vote, a person must:
- Be A Citizen of the United States
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be a resident in Kane County
- Provide 2 forms of identification, which contains the person’s current name and address
Registrations are taken if:
- A person has never registered to vote in Kane County
- Anyone changing a name must re-register in Kane County
- A person is not certain whether registered in Kane County
- A person has not voted recently and is unsure of the status of their registration
Some forms of identification that are acceptable:
- Driver’s License
- Social Security Card
- Utility Bill or Mail
- Check Book
If born Outside of the United States, you need:
- Name of Court where naturalization took place
- City and State where naturalization took place
- Date of naturalization
When all the information has been sent to the County, it takes about two weeks for your registration card to come to you in the mail. We vote only two times a year: once in March and the other in November. Make sure your voter registration card is available at those times, to present to the Election judges at the Polling Place.
Voter Registration is open to all residents in North Aurora.