Monday, November 6, 2023
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village Board meeting was conducted live remotely
via telecommunications.
Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community & Economic Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.
APPOINTMENT- North Aurora Days Committee Member-Norma Yario
Mayor Gaffino appointed Norma Yario to the North Aurora Days Committee.
The Village Board offered no objections to the appointment.
PRESENTATION- Presentation by Lauterbach & Amen Regarding the Village’s 2023 Audit Process
Director Paprocki introduced Jamie Wilkey from Lauterbach & Amen, LLC, who performed the Village’s 2023 audit. Ms. Wilkey was to speak about what the audit process entailed.
Ms. Wilkey presented the May 31, 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Village of North Aurora. Ms. Wilkey thanked Director Paprocki and Mandy Flatt for their outstanding process for the year. She stated that there was no auditor detected adjusting journal entries, explaining that that is not norm for most government audit engagements.
Ms. Wilkey then gave an overview of key sections within the annual audit. She began by pointing out the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. She stated that it was an award given after an independent review of the Villages audit conducted each year by the Government Finance Officers Association. This award is deemed the highest level financial reporting that any government entity could have.
Ms. Wilkey explained that current state statute in Illinois required that the Village undertake an independent audit within six months of the close of the fiscal year, the presentation and documents presented fulfilled that legal requirement. She went on to say the audit had two primary goals, the first to ensure the Village financial statements are materially correct as well as an overall assessment of the Village’s internal controls. The Village satisfied both of those assessments.
Ms. Wilkey spoke about the section titled Management’s Discussion and Analysis which serves as the executive summary to the report, explaining what could be find within that section.
Ms. Wilkey then highlighted the final section, the Statistical Section. She stated that the section provided historical information and trend schedules for the Village.
Ms. Wilkey concluded by speaking of the future and government mandated pronouncements that Lauterbach & Amen would be working with Director Paprocki in implementing.
1. Village Board Minuets Dated 10/16/2023; Committee of the Whole Minutes Dated 10/16/2023
2. Interim Bills List Dated 10/16/2023 in the Amount of $164,327.59
3. Bills List Dated 11/06/2023 in the Amount of $337,494.02
4. Approval of the Executive Session Minutes Dated 05/01/2023 Part 1, 05/01/2023 Part 2, 05/01/2023 Part 3
5. Release of Executive Session Minutes Dated 03/18/2019, 04/15/2019, 05/06/2019, 06/03/2019, 11/18/2019 Part 1, 11/18/2019 Part 2, 10/05/2020, 12/21/2020 Part 1, 12/21/2020 Part 2, 05/17/2021, 12/06/2021 Part 1, 12/06/2021 Part 2, 04/18/2022 Part 1, 04/18/2022 Part 2, 11/21/2022 Part 1, 11/21/2022 Part 2
6. Approval of 2024 Annual Contribution to IMLRMA in the Amount of $362,796.39
7. Travel and Expenses for Business Purposes in the Amount of $1,400.00
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
1. Approval of Ordinance to Amend the North Aurora Code Section 5.08 Regarding Alcoholic Beverage Sales in the Village of North Aurora
Administrator Bosco reminded the Village Board of the recent workshops that have been held during Committee of the Whole meetings recently. The comprehensive changes to the Liquor Code were met with no concerns from the Board during Committee of the Whole discussions.
Bosco stated that some of the items included in the ordinance were reopening happy hour, creating the Class “H” license for entertainment uses, creating the supplemental package liquor license, creating a supplemental dispensing license to allow for self-pour, creating a new class “Q” banquet hall license, and extending the “to go” cocktails until August 1, 2028 matching the State of Illinois law. The updates would also grant the Liquor Commissioner the right to revoke a liquor license for inactivity.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
2. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the North Aurora Code Section 5.08.350 by Decreasing the Number of Class B Liquor Licenses Authorized in the Village of North Aurora (Raimondo’s)
Administrator Bosco explained that upon the new owners of Raimondo’s applying for their liquor license, it had been discovered that the size of the establishment determined that they should be issued a Class A license. This ordinance would remove the Class B license from Raimondo’s, therefore reducing the number of Class B licenses in the Village.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Salazar and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
3. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the North aurora Code Section 5.08.350 by Increasing the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses Authorized in the Village of North Aurora (Raimondo’s)
Administrator Bosco stated that the new owners of Raimondo’s were seeking a Class A Liquor license for their establishment.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
4. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the North Aurora Code Section 5.08.350 by Increasing the Number of Class C Liquor Licenses Authorized in the Village of North Aurora (Crave Hot Dogs and Barbeque)
Administrator Bosco stated that Crave Hot Dogs was seeking a Class C Liquor license as well as a supplemental Video Gaming Liquor license for their new establishment to be located at 1049 Orchard Road. He said that as part of the amendments just voted on, the Village did create a self-pour supplemental license as well as a supplemental license for the sale of to-go packaged liquor. Crave will also be applying for those supplemental licenses as well.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Salazar and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
5. Approval of a Resolution for the Approval of a Supplemental Video Gaming Liquor License for Crave Hot Dogs and Barbeque
As discussed during the previous motion, Administrator Bosco stated that the Village requires any establishment requesting supplemental gaming licenses to go through the process of review and subsequent approval from the Village Board.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Guethle. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
6. Approval of Estimate of 2023 Tax Levy for Purposes of Truth in Taxation
Director Paprocki stated that this agenda item was discussed at the October 16, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting. The staff presented the Board with various options of how the Village could proceed. Paprocki explained that this tax levy was meant to fund the 2024-25 budget year, some items that are expected to appear on that budget include the police pension contribution increase, normal salary and benefit increases, as well as increases in goods and services the Village utilizes. Paprocki explained that the Village is subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL), therefore the Village can increase the Levy up to 5% or the lesser of 5% or CPI, however CPI was over 5%. Based on the conversation held at the COW on October 16, the Board was split in deciding what to Levy. There were some in favor of just capturing the new construction number and bypassing the CPI increase and there were others that wanted to see a percentage levied. Staff was looking for feedback in moving forward with the Tax Levy Estimate.
There was discussion regarding the percentage that the Board members would be comfortable with capturing.
Trustee Niedzwiedz asked for 0.0%
Trustee Salazar stated that she would rather see a 2.2% Tax Levy Estimate increase.
Trustee Curtis agreed with Niedzwiedz and did not want to see an increase for at least another year.
Trustee Guethle commented that that was what the Board said last year. He reminded that Board of capital improvements on the horizon, including that there was still a wooden watermain that runs down Route 31. Trustee Salazar agreed and spoke more about upcoming expenses the Village will need to budget for.
Salazar suggested taking 2.5%, Trustees Guethle, Christiansen and Lowery were in agreement.
Motion for approval of accepting a 2.5% CPI with new construction tax levy increase made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Lowery. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – no, Trustee Salazar – yes Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –no. Motion approved (4-2).
Motion for approval of a 2.5% CPI with New Construction Increase for the Estimate of 2023 Tax Levy for Purposes of Truth in Taxation made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Christiansen. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – no, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –no. Motion approved (4-2).
7. Approval of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as of May 31,2023 and Other Financial Reporting Documents
Director Paprocki stated that this item was to accept the Comprehensive Financial Report that was spoken about earlier in the agenda. He went on to point out a few items contained within the report, such as the $43 million Village wide cash, up $8.5 million, a lot of which is designated for specific purposes. The General Fund reserve was at 68.8% as of the end of the year, the policy was to target 40%-50%.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Niedzwiedz and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
8. Approval to Waive Bid Process and Accept Frank Marshall Electric Proposal for Purchase and Installation of Automatic Transfer Switch at West Treatment Plant in the Amount of $41,815.00
Public Works Director Richter stated that replacing the transfer switch would be a proactive step to replace aging equipment before it fails. The replacement would ensure the reliability and resilience of the water system. Marshall Electric has performed electrical work at wells eight, five, nine and both of the treatment plants in the past including replacing the same switch in 2021 in the east plant.
Staff recommended waiving the bid process and awarding the contract to Frank Marshall.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
9. Approval to Purchase Four Dodge Durango Squad Vehicles for the Patrol Fleet from Riverfront Chrysler Dodge Jeep and Ram in the amount of $172,861.04
Chief DeLeo stated that staff was seeking the authorization to modify the vehicle type and purchase process to acquire four squad cars for the Police Department. He reminded the Board that as discussed during the October 2, 2023 Committee of the Whole, the state bid program that leverages better prices for municipalities cannot keep up with the present demand on the marketplace. Dealerships appear to be unable to fulfil any 2024 Ford Explorer orders as well as uncertainty for 2025 orders. He went on to say that while it was the preference of the staff to keep the majority of the fleet the same type of vehicle, the situation has forced staff to explore other vehicles and dealership options. DeLeo stated that one of the options was a Dodge Durango, which is similar in size performance and cost. A representative of the Carol Stream police department brought one of their squad cars out and the consensus was positive, and would meet the needs of the department. Staff researched bids for Durangos and were unable to locate any with police pursuit packages. Staff checked locally at the Riverfront Chrysler Dodge Jeep and Ram dealership, whom have indicated that they have the inventory to order from should the Village choose to move forward. The 2023-2024 fiscal year budget included $190,000 in funds allocated toward the purchase of four Ford Police Interceptor Explorers, which did not include retrofitting three of the vehicles. A portion of the cost estimated $47,550 would most likely be brought before the Board for approval at a later date.
Staff was seeking approval for the purchase of four Dodge Durango squad vehicles at a cost of $43,215.26 each. Going forward, staff will be researching different options for police squad options, including hybrid vehicles.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Christiansen. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
TRUSTEES COMMENTS – Trustee Salazar congratulated Finance Director Paprocki on the commendations from Lauterbach & Amen and the upstanding work he and his team have done for the Village.
ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Administrator Bosco spoke about the continuing process of the new Public Works Facility. He stated that the Village was coming to the end of the due-diligence period for the land swap agreement. He reminded the Board that the option of a referendum for a sales tax increase had a timeframe and that the discussion will likely be coming back before the Committee of the Whole in the near future.
1. Finance – None
2. Community Development – None
3. Police – None
4. Public Works – None
Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessi Watkins
Village Clerk