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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

North Aurora Days Committee Minutes

Monday, March 13, 2023
Call to Order
Mark Gaffino called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm.
Mark Gaffino, Jessi Watkins, Holly O’Brien, Julie Shoemaker, Steve Bosco, and Chris Wagner.
Approval of Minutes
Jessi Watkins made a motion to approve the February 13, 2023 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Holly O’Brien.
Motion to Approve: All in Favor
Committee members provided individual updates on work progress since the last meeting. Julie Shoemaker stated that contact had been made with the volunteer to host the fishing derby and it was very positive. The volunteers for the softball tournament and touch a truck were also committed. Holly O’Brien stated that she did not have much to report as the coordination of the beer tent items was not expected to begin until April. Staff inquired on supplies levels for the wristbands; O’Brien stated she would have to follow-up. Administrative Analyst Chris Wagner provided updates on sponsorships received, discussed problems obtaining food vendors and other logistical progress made by staff. Wagner reported that the cost of the face painting had sharply increased, and staff determined that by eliminating the glitter paint option and one subsequent attendant the cost would be comparable to the previous year. The committee agreed that staff should proceed with that plan. Jessi Watkins informed the committee members that she had reached out to the National Honors Society regarding volunteer opportunities but had not heard back yet. Watkins stated that she was in discussion with the library to coordinate some kind of kid’s entertainment, with the idea to include a pop-up children’s museum exhibit. The committee was in favor. Watkins outlined the other entertainment booked by staff.
The committee returned to the discussion of where a larger entertainment item, such as a video gaming trailer could possibly be located, before determining that the area is simply not conducive.
Wagner went over the updated layout from staff that reflected the locations of the inflatable entertainment items and booth areas. She also inquired of the group if they wished to designate a smoking area. The group decided that since the question had only come up once, to not address it since the event is all outdoors.
With no further discussion, Jessi Watkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm, which was seconded by Holly O’Brien.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Wagner


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