Monday, August 29, 2022
Call to Order
Mark Carroll called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm.
Chairman Mark Carroll, Al Broholm, Mary Ann Hosler, Rosa Harding, Executive Assistant Natalie Stevens
Discussion of Green Thumb Summer Property Recognition Program
Executive Assistant Natalie Stevens provided a tabulated spreadsheet of the three sets of submitted judges’ scores for the 14 properties nominated for the Green Thumb Summer Recognition Program. Each residence had a maximum possible score of 15 and a minimum possible score of 3. The top four scorers were 2197 Bartram Road (15/15 points), 515 Doral Lane (14.66/15 points), 222 Briar Lane (13.66/15 points) and 207 Andrew Lane (13/15 points). Stevens noted that 10 of the 14 were self-nominated properties. She also showed the Committee that a number of the properties were fairly low scoring.
Following the presentation of the scores, Stevens shared the four options for the Green Thumb award structures that staff had put together following feedback from the Committee. The Committee had previously indicated they were interested in awarding all participating homes a participation gift card; however, following the bid tabulation of scores Committee member Al Broholm said that he was not in favor of giving monetary prizes to all participating properties. He said the hope of that was to increase future participation in the recognition programs; however, given that everyone can self-nominate it would be awarding a free gift card to anyone who participated even if their properties were not up to par with the program. Committee members Mary Ann Hosler and Rosa Harding both agreed and chose to eliminate the participation gift cards.
The Committee chose to go with Option 1 that awarded prizes for 1 – 3 place, but upon further discussion chose that the proposed 4th place prize, which was to be a random draw, should go to the actual 4th place score as they did not want to see a low-scoring home receive a prize in favor of a higher scored one.
The Committee discussed gift card options and ultimately decided to go with Woodman’s gift cards for all prizes – in the amounts of $100, $75, $50 and $25 for first through forth places respectively – as they felt that would be the most feasible for winners to use rather than restaurant and/or food gift cards.
The Committee instructed staff to send thank you letters to all participating properties and to alert the winners, who will be publicly recognized at the Village Board meeting on September 19, 2022.
For future property recognition programs the Committee indicated they wanted to get the program guidelines out sooner to encourage more participation, as all agreed there were many homes in the area they felt should have been submitted and were not. The committee briefly began to discuss upcoming property recognition programs and it was determined for timing purposes to not do a Halloween decoration program this year and instead focus on a holiday light program that they plan to discuss at their October 17, 2022 meeting.
With no further business, Al Broholm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 pm, which was seconded by Rosa Harding
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Natalie Stevens