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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Village Board Minutes




Monday, July 15, 2024


Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.





In attendance:  Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Carolyn Salazar


Staff in attendance:  Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Village Planner Dave Hansen, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Deputy Police Chief Joe Gorski.


RECOGNITION– Eagle Scout Ethan Hafer

Mayor Gaffino awarded Eagle Scout Ethan Hafer a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Achievement for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and showcasing his dedication, leadership, and community spirit.






  1. Village Board Minutes Dated 07/01/2024; Committee of the Whole Minutes dated 07/01/2024
  2. Bills List Dated 07/15/2024 FY2024 in the Amount of $272,961.84
  3. Bills List Dated 07/15/2024 FY2025 in the Amount of $289,260.78
  4. Travel and Business in the Amount of $250.00


Motion for approval made by Trustee Salazar and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes. Motion approved (5-0).




  1. Approval to Purchase 2023 Morbark Eeger Beever 1621X Brush Chipper from Alexander Equipment Company in the Amount of $70,428.88

Public Works Director Richter stated that the Public Works Street Division was seeking approval to purchase a new brush chipper.  The Village owns and maintains approximately 10,000 parkway trees.  Over the past three years staff has trimmed approximately 1,100 trees and removed 300 dead or dying trees.  Staff researched brush chippers and received two quotes from Sourcewell which is the cooperative purchasing program that the Village uses to purchase trucks.  The decision came down to either a Morbark or a Vermier.  Staff recommended the purchase of the 2023 Morbark 1621 chipper.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Lowery. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (5-0).


  1. Approval to Reject All Bids for Water Tower Mixer Project

Director Richter stated that the Village had entered into a professional service agreement with Dixon Engineering Inc. for the installation of two water tower mixers and minor repairs needed to both water towers.  Dixon’s agreement included putting the bid package together, answering all questions during the bidding process, attending the bid opening, as well as administration and inspections of the work. The bid opening for this project was on Wednesday, June 26.  The Village received a total of three bids for the project.  Two of the bids did not meet requirements and the third well exceeding the engineer’s estimates for the project.  This was discussed with Dixon, they felt that the Village could change the scope around to establish a better timeframe and offer a better chance to receive more bids.  Village Staff was recommending rejection of all bids for the Water Tower Mixer Project.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (5-0).


  1. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the Entirety of North Aurora Code Section 12.7 Regarding Tree Management

Director Richter stated that at the agenda item was discussed at the July 1, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting to positive reactions.  Staff was seeking approval to amend the Parkway Tree Replacement Ordinance and change the title to Municipal Tree Management Ordinance.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Curtis and seconded by Trustee Christiansen. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes. Motion approved (5-0).


  1. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the North Aurora Code Section 5.08.350 by Decreasing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses Authorized in the Village of North Aurora (TIYA Liquors)

Administrator Bosco stated that North Aurora Food and Liquor was requesting a Class D Liquor Store Liquor License for the building currently occupied by Tiya Food & Liquor.  Village Liquor Licenses are non-transferrable, therefore the Liquor License held by Tiya would not transfer to new ownership and would need to be taken, decreasing the number of Village Liquor Licenses.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Curtis and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes. Motion approved (5-0).


  1. Approval of an Ordinance Amending the North Aurora Code Section 5.08.350 by Increasing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses Authorized in the Village of North Aurora (North Aurora Food and Liquor)

Administrator Bosco stated that this item was to award a Class D Liquor License to North Aurora Food and Liquor, increasing the number of Class D Liquor Licenses by one.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Salazar and seconded by Trustee Christiansen. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes. Motion approved (5-0).


  1. Approval of Ordinance Approving an Economic Incentive Agreement for the River Front Ram Dealership Located at 1851 Orchard Gateway Boulevard, North Aurora, Illinois

Finance Director Paprocki stated that this agenda item was presented at the July 1, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.  The agreement would provide an 85% sales tax rebate above the annual $115,000 sales tax threshold for up to 15 years or $1,062,150, whichever comes first.

Trustee Curtis stated that she wishes that the Village Board discussed this item at greater length and that the Village had not given River Front everything they had asked for.

Director Paprocki stated that the number before the Board has been reduced from the original request of $2.4-$2.5 million.  The number was reduced based on staff discussion and negotiations with River Front.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Christiansen and seconded by Trustee Guethle. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes. Motion approved (5-0).






ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Administrator Bosco spoke about how the Village owned parkway trees were beginning to mature, necessitating more maintenance from staff.  Public Works had trimmed 1,100 trees in three years, the Village has about 10,000 parkway trees.  Bosco stated that Director Richter and his staff were researching how the Village could approach tree trimming more effectively in order to get ahead of the need.  Public Works was devising a routine that the Village could use to trim on a regular schedule.



  1. Finance – None
  2. Community Development – None
  3. Police – None
  4. Public Works – None
  5. Village Attorney– None




Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Guethle. All in favor.  Motion approved.


Respectfully Submitted,



Jessi Watkins

Village Clerk

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