Monday, May 20, 2024
Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.
AUDIENCE COMMENTS – Shannon Halikias spoke on behalf of the Messenger Public Library and offered an annual update on the state of the Library.
PROCLAMATION– Motorcycle Awareness Month
Mayor Gaffino proclaimed the month of May 2024 to be Motorcycle Awareness Month. He welcomed Mark Garrison a member of DuKane A.B.A.T.E of Illinois, Inc. to say a few words in regard to the proclamation and Motorcycle Awareness Month.
- Village Board Minutes dated 05/20/2024
- Travel and Business Expenses in the Amount of $50.00
- Bills List Dated 05/20/2024 in the Amount of $450,202.47
- Approval of a Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).
- Approval of Appropriations and Budget Resolution for Messenger Public Library for Fiscal Year 2024-25
Finance Director Paprocki stated that the Resolution would be utilized later in the fall when the Village passes the 2024 tax levy. These numbers would be the ones used for the library’s portion when the levy passes.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Niedzwiedz and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
- Approval of Resolution Authorizing Contract Purchase of Electricity for Street Lighting Through the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) Bid Process
Director Paprocki explained that NIMEC would be holding their annual street light bid on the morning of May 21. In 2023 the Village found that the rates NIMEC offered were not favorable, therefore the Village stayed on the variable rate with ComEd. The Village would have an option for a one, two, or three year agreement. A decision would be made based on the pricing. Paprocki stated that there was a strong likelihood of not entering into an agreement as pricing was expected to come back higher than the current variable rate. The rates are announced in the morning and an agreement must be signed by 4 PM on the 21st. Based on the quick turnaround, staff was looking for approval of authority for the Village Administrator to sign the contract.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Salazar and seconded by Trustee Lowery. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
VILLAGE PRESIDENT – Mayor Gaffino offered praise and gratitude to the Public Works department for all of their work throughout the Village.
TRUSTEES COMMENTS – Trustees echoed Mayor Gaffino’s comments of praise for the Public Works department.
ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Administrator Bosco explained that the NIMEC rate for streetlighting was an anomaly, in most cases the prices of individual supplies typically beat ComEd rates. However, that had not been the case for streetlighting in recent years.
Bosco spoke about the Village’s upcoming food truck festival, Cuisine at the Crossroads, being held at Riverfront Park on May 24th.
- Finance – None
- Community Development – None
- Police – Chief DeLeo stated that the evening’s meeting would be Officer Stecklein’s final meeting. Officer Stecklein would be retiring on June 1st with her luncheon being held on Friday, May 31st.
- Public Works – None
- Village Attorney– None
Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jessi Watkins
Village Clerk