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Village Board Minutes




Monday, May 6, 2024


Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.





In attendance:  Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar


Staff in attendance:  Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.


PUBLIC HEARING– Exchange of Property for Public Works Facility

Mayor Gaffino opened the Public Hearing at 7:01pm, there were no speakers.  The Mayor closed the Public Hearing at 7:01pm


PROCLAMATION– National Safe Boating Week

Mayor Gaffino proclaimed the week of May 18, 2024 National Safe Boating Week.






  1. Village Board Minutes dated 04/15/2024; Committee of the Whole Minutes dated 04/15/2024
  2. Bills List dated 05/06/2024 in the Amount of $1,355,467.31
  3. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing FY 2024-25 Ongoing Professional Services Vendors Expected to Exceed $25,000


Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (6-0).




  1. Approval of Ordinance Adopting the Budget of the Village of North Aurora for the Fiscal Year Beginning June 1, 2024 and Ending May 31, 2025

Finance Director Paprocki stated that since the April 15, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, the staff had made some minor changes to the budget including reducing the sales tax revenue by approximately $642,000 for the anticipated State Grocery Tax elimination, included the assumed early payoff of the Police Department debt, and updated various capital projects.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes. Motion approved (6-0).


  1. Approval of Ordinance Granting a Special Use Pursuant to Title 17, Chapter 8 of the North Aurora Zoning Ordinance to Allow an Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization at 161 South Lincolnway in the Village of North Aurora

Community Development Director Darga explained that this agenda item was for the Special Use permit for the adult use cannabis dispensing organization at 161 S. Lincolnway.  The new company would be occupying the old facility vacated by Verilife.  CW Dispensary would initially just operate in the old Verilife space with the ability to expand into the neighboring space.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (6-0).


  1. Approval of an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to an Agreement for the Exchange of Real Property Between the Village of North Aurora and the Southern Kane County Training Association and for the Exchange of the Real Property Parcels

Village Attorney Drendel explained that the agenda item combined approving the agreement along with approving the exchange of the real estate between the Village and the Southern Kane County Training Association.  Drendel stated that the item would need ¾ of the corporate authorities in the affirmative for approval, therefore this would include Mayor Gaffino’s vote.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Mayor Gaffino-yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes. Motion approved (7-0).


  1. Approval of a Map Amendment and a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, Site Plan and Plat of Subdivision for 13.5 Acres of Property to be Known as the North Aurora Public Works Site in the Village of North Aurora

Director Darga stated that the agenda item was to seek approval for a Map Amendment to rezone both properties A1 and includes the PUD with code exceptions, as well as the site plan approval and final plate approval.


Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Salazar. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Motion approved (6-0).


  1. Approval to Award SCADA System Upgrade and Services Proposal to Tri-R Systems for the Adjusted Amount of $636,500.00

Public Works Director Richter stated that the current water system utilizes an outdated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system with deficiencies for monitoring and controlling the water system.  The existing system lacked alarm notification system.  Currently staff would receive a call that there was an alarm, and determine what the alarm was.  The new system would alert staff to the same alarm and then they would determine whether it needed to be remedied immediately.  It would also replace an outdated radio network that had become obsolete and was no longer supported.  The new system would allow staff to remotely monitor and operate six wells, the two treatment plants and two towers from basically anywhere.  The request for proposal was issued on March 14, 2024, three companies attended. The Village received two proposals, Tri-R system was the low bidder, however upon clarification discovered that there were things missing, including critical spare parts.  This clarification and adjustments added about $40,500 to the proposal.

Motion for approval made by Trustee Niedzwiedz and seconded by Trustee Guethle. Roll Call Vote:  Trustee Niedzwiedz – yes, Trustee Salazar – yes, Trustee Christiansen – yes, Trustee Curtis –yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Lowery – yes. Motion approved (6-0).






ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Administrator Bosco reminded the Village Board the agenda item just previously approved was part of the Village’s water system upgrade and was sorely needed.  It was something that gives everyone in the Water Department remote access to monitor the system and maintain it from a distance.  The Village was looking at building a new water tower in the near future as well.  Bosco spoke about recent water department improvements.

Administrator Bosco also spoke about the upcoming Road Program.  He spoke about the Village’s efforts to make residents aware of upcoming road work and how it relates to any driveway improvements.  He mentioned an addition to the Village’s permitting process that alerts residents that their curb may be cut as part of the Road Program while applying for permits for driveway projects.  He said that this current year’s Road Program would include Windstone, Oak Hill, Fairway View, some stretches in Silver Trails and one along Hickory,

Bosco spoke about the land swap that was just previously approved, between the Village and the Southern Kane County Training Association, stating that the timing was good as the construction documents were being finalized and ready to bid in the upcoming weeks.



  1. Finance – None
  2. Community Development – None
  3. Police – None
  4. Public Works – None
  5. Village Attorney– None



  1. Personnel



Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. All in favor.  Motion approved.





Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Niedzwiedz and seconded by Trustee Salazar. All in favor.  Motion approved.


Respectfully Submitted,



Jessi Watkins

Village Clerk




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