Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village Board meeting was conducted live remotely
via telecommunications.
Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Carroll, Trustee Martinez.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director John Laskowski, Police Chief Dave Fisher.
Carolyn Salazar, 759 Pinecreek Drive – Explained she had been contacted by a fellow North Aurora resident who was not versed in Zoom and was here to speak on her behalf. The resident brought up a concern regarding how snow is plowed at the crosswalks and that it blocks the sidewalks. She suggested if there was a way for the snow to be plowed and piled to the curb and not the sidewalk. Public Works Director John Laskwoski said this was a common concern for residents who live and walk around town, and said the nature of the plowing operation is that the plows follow the curb line and the snow continuously spills off the edges of the plow blade and said it was an unfortunate byproduct of the plowing operation. He asked for Ms. Salazar to follow up with him with the resident’s contact information so he could pass it on to the Streets Superintendent for additional follow up.
Trustee Guethle said he would like to name the Silo ‘Berman Tower’ in honor of Mayor Dale Berman, as it was his plan to light up the silo and between that and his years of service Trustee Guethle said it was only fitting to name it such. Mayor Berman said that would be quite an honor. Administrator Bosco said the item could come back to the board as a resolution.
1. Village Board Minutes dated 01/04/2021
2. Bills List Dated 01/18/2021 in the Amount of $371,969.11
3. Approval of Resolution Accepting the Public Improvements in the Randall Crossing Townhome Development
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Carroll. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
1. Approval of Purchase, Installation and SCADA Integration of Wells #5 and #7 Variable Frequency Drives from Energenecs in the Amount of $75,600 with a Not-To-Exceed Amount of $79,900
Public Works Director Laskowski explained the purchase and equipment. He said there are not many companies that manufacture VFDs or install them and Energenecs performs both, as well as offering a three-year warranty. Staff checked with neighboring communities on pricing as well as with EEI and confirmed this is in line with industry pricing. Public Works is looking to purchase two VFDs and have one installed sooner and one later down the road.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
2. Approval of Maintenance Agreement for Towne Center Wetlands to Hey and Associates in the Amount of $20,000
Director Laskowski said Hey and Associates has been performing this maintenance for the last three years and the Village has always had good service and communication with them. This agreement would be for one year.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Curtis. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
3. Approval of One-Year Lawn Mowing and Landscaping Contract Extension with Sebert Landscaping
Director Laskowski said this was for a one-year extension with Sebert Landscaping, who have performed well for the Village for the last two years. Director Laskowski noted they have been very receptive to taking on additional properties and also did abatement work with Community Development. This would be the final extension to the contract for an amount of $44,945.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Lowery and seconded by Trustee Martinez. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
4. Approval to Reject the Lowest Bid and Award Approval for the Mill Race Spillway Bank Riprap Installation Project to Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder Schwartz Excavating, Inc. in the Amount of $41,498.60
Director Laskowski said the Village received 16 bidders for this project, which was more than expected. The low bidder was Schfleges Brothers, but they did not submit an alternate bid, which was an addendum as initially the Village was going to take advantage of the stone allotment from La Farage and procure it for no cost; however, midway through the bidding for the project the Village learned that La Farge did not have the stone the Village planned to use and so the addendum included the purchasing, hauling and placing of that stone. Schwartz Excavating, Inc. was the second lowest bidder with an addendum and Director Laskowski said their contacts were good.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
5. Approval to Allow Layne Christiansen to Perform All Repairs to Rehabilitate Well #4 in the Increased Amount of $82,959
Director Laskowski said when the Village Board originally approved the repairs to rehabilitate well #4 they did not know at that time the condition of the pump and pipe being pulled given that they are underground. The project had a budget of $150,000; however due to the wear and tear the pump turned out to be in worse condition than anticipated and now needs entirely refurbished rather than just repaired, as does the electrical cable, which Director Laskowki recommended replacing entirely.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Carroll and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
Motion to adjourn to Committee of the Whole was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Curtis. All in favor. Motion approved.
In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mark Carroll, Trustee Martinez.
All Village Trustees took turns reading a Proclamation honoring Mayor Dale Berman
ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Administrator Bosco presented a plaque and a framed photo of the silo to Mayor Berman. He noted he held his good bye comments until this meeting following Mayor Berman’s announcement at the previous board meeting. Administrator Bosco thanked Mayor Berman for the opportunity to serve him and the board and said he’s looking forward to working with him still in the future. He appreciated all the discussions they’ve had both about the Village and life in general. He wished him the best of luck in his future endeavors on the Kane County Board and said he’d see him around town.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Drendel noted he was the one at the previous meeting who started the farewell barrage and resulted in skipping Administrator Bosco. He said he’s enjoyed all the time he’s served under Mayor Berman and looking forward to serving under Mayor-to-be-elected Gaffino.
1. Finance – Director Hannah congratulated Mayor Berman and wished him well on his next adventure. He said he’s appreciated working for him the last 15 years.
2. Community Development – Director Toth congratulated Mayor Berman and said it has been an honor and pleasure to work with him and he appreciated the Mayor’s sense of humor.
3. Police – Chief Fisher thanked Mayor Berman for his service and for being such a great boss and wished him luck moving forward.
4. Public Works – Director Laskowski said this wouldn’t be good bye as Mayor Berman would see Public Works driving by his house and congratulated him again.
Mayor Berman said he’s been married for 62 years, lived in his house in North Aurora for 58. He said he’d recently found pictures of when he was first sworn in as mayor 32 years ago and said it made him sad that this time around they wouldn’t have those pictures since the meeting was being held over Zoom and he wouldn’t be able to hand over the gavel to the new mayor as he received his from then Mayor Bill Harding.
Mayor Berman explained how 32 years ago the average length of term of the board members serving with him was 1 year and there was no Village staff then. He said the staff is what has been so great about serving as mayor this time. He said it has been great working with Finance Director Bill Hannah all these years and that he does a super job and has been outstanding. Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth he said knows what he’s doing and is very thorough, honest and very smart. He said Public Works Director John Laskowski said has been a bonus and a great addition to the staff. He told Police Chief Fisher he’s proud of what he’s done with the police department and that he is sincere and dedicated. He told Village Administrator Bosco that his eight years with the Village have been outstanding and called him the great communicator, saying he’s excellent at disseminating information to the Board and the community and it was something the Village lacked before his arrival and it’s rewarding and refreshing to know he’ll continue that. To all the trustees, Mayor Berman said they all truly believe in the Village of North Aurora and he thinks that is the most important aspect of being a trustee. He said it’s been tough with COVID and everyone has done a fantastic job.
Mayor Berman said when he left office in 1989 he had three pages of what he wanted to say; some of it was what they’d accomplished but most of it was all the things he was interested in seeing going forward. He said he doesn’t have that three pages today because the Village has done so much. He knows there’s a lot going on in the future but the Village has accomplished all the things he was interested in back in 1989 and done even more than that. He said it’s been great and he’s going to miss it as he moves to the Kane County Board. He thanked everyone for all they had done, and he noted that this was his verbal resignation of the office of Mayor.
6. Approval of Resolution Electing an Acting Village President
Attorney Drendel explained that the acting mayor is elected from the current Trustees who are serving. The mayor they will elect will be the temporary mayor until Trustee Mark Gaffino, who is the only candidate running for Village Mayor in April, would take office. Whoever was selected as temporary mayor will have all authority the mayor has, unless the trustee selected does not resign as trustee and will then vote as a trustee and not as a mayor and not have veto power. Trustee Carroll clarified that a trustee replacement does not need to be appointed to fill the vacant seat and Attorney Drendel confirmed that was accurate, but Mayor Berman said it was not something he’d recommend as he felt it was best to have a trustee and acting mayor. Trustee Guethle nominated Trustee Mark Gaffino to service as acting mayor.
Motion for approval made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Carroll. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Lowery – yes, Trustee Gaffino –yes, Trustee Carroll – yes, Trustee Guethle – yes, Trustee Martinez – yes, Trustee Curtis – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
1. Property Acquisition
2. Selection of Person for Public Office
Motion to adjourn to executive session was made by Trustee Carroll and seconded by Trustee Lowery. All in favor. Motion approved.
Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Martinez. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Natalie F. Stevens
Deputy Village Clerk