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Police Pension Minutes

Police Pension minutes

North Aurora Police Pension Fund

Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting



Minutes of meeting – January 16th, 2024


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by Robyn Stecklein.


Roll Call

Roll call was conducted, and members preset were as follows: Ryan Peat, Robyn Stecklein, Mark Swoboda, Board Attorney Charles Atwell and Treasurer Jason Paprocki.  No members of the public were present.


Audience Comments



Approval of Minutes

Mark Swoboda made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting dated October 17, 2023; seconded by Ryan Peat.  A roll call vote was taken: Swoboda – yes; Peat – yes; Stecklein – yes. Motion passed with a 3‐0 vote.


Presentation and Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Bills Presented and Paid

Jason Paprocki presented summary and detailed financial reports for the Pension Fund with all activity in the accounts through December 31, 2023, including expenses paid.  A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Mark Swoboda; seconded by Ryan Peat.  A roll call vote was taken: Swoboda – yes; Peat – yes; Stecklein – yes.  The motion passed with a 3‐0 vote.


Presentation of Investment Report

Jason Paprocki presented a summary of the investment report as of December 31, 2023, for the board’s review.


Old Business



New Business

  1. Approval of application to the North Aurora Police Pension Fund for Mason Brant.
  2. Approval of application to the North Aurora Police Pension Fund for Joshua Campbell.
  3. Approval of retirement application for benefits for Daniel Cyko.
  4. Approval of monthly retiree, disability, and survivor pension payments effective January 2024.


All four agenda items under new business were reviewed and passed by a unanimous 3-0 vote: Swoboda – yes; Peat – yes; Stecklein – yes.



Attorney Charles Atwell provided updates on two ongoing pension fund topics:

  1. There is still no ruling from the Supreme Court on the consolidation case.
  2. Illinois House Bill 4321 establishes a presumption that a firefighter or police officer who becomes

disabled as a result of exposure to and contraction of COVID-19 was injured in the line of duty and is

entitled to receive a duty disability benefit under the applicable Article of the Code.


Closed Session



Trustee Comments




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 5:14 pm by Ryan Peat; seconded by Mark Swoboda.  A roll call vote was taken: Peat – yes; Swoboda – yes; Stecklein – yes.  The motion passed with a 3‐0 vote.

Meeting adjourned.

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