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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Police Commission Minutes

January 17, 2023, at 18:00hrs.

A motion was presented to commence this 1st Quarter Open Meeting for 2023 meeting of the Village of North Aurora Police Commission by Commissioner Hatchet and a second motion was made by Chairperson Jungels; the meeting commenced at 18:03 hrs. – All in favor.

Commissioners present: Chairperson Phil Jungels, Commissioner Brian Reid and Commissioner Lisa Hatchet.

Old Business
1. Approve meeting minutes from the 4th Quarter 2023 open NAPD Police Commission meeting held on 27-Dec-2022. All present in favor.
2. No other Old Business.

New Business
1. The Commissioners discussed the Commissioners individual roles for 2023. Based on those discussions, Chairperson Phil Jungels nominated Commissioner Lisa Hatchett for the role of Chairperson of the North Aurora Police Commission for 2023. All present in favor.
2. As approved by the Commissioners, Lisa Hatchett will serve as Chairperson of the North Aurora Police Commission for 2023.
3. Chairperson Hatchett made a motion to retain Commissioner Brian Reid as Secretary of the North Aurora Police Commission for 2023. All present in favor.
4. The Commissioners reviewed the current 2022 North Aurora Police Department Eligibility List, the list was then updated. This updated version will be posted in the NAPD Headquarters lobby for public viewing within 2 days of this meeting.
5. Chairperson Hatchett will contact and schedule the remaining 9 candidates remaining on the active on this list for in person interviews to be tentatively scheduled for January 28th and 29th 2023.
6. No further new business.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Chairperson Hatchett, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Jungels; all in favor – Motion Approved. The Open Meeting adjourned at 18:59hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,
Commissioner Brian W. Reid/Secretary
North Aurora Police Commission

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