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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes

AUGUST 3, 2021

Chairman Mike Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners, Anna Tuohy, Tom Lenkart, Mark Bozik, Doug Botkin and Scott Branson

Not in attendance: Aaron Anderson

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco and Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth

Also in attendance: Kevin Drendel, Village Attorney


1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated July 6, 2021
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Bozik. All in favor. Motion approved.


1. Petition #21-08 (Parcel 5 of the Randall Square Subdivision): The petitioner, Casey’s Retail Company, requests the following actions in the B-2 General Business District, Planned Unit Development:
a) Special Use – Planned Unit Development Amendment with deviations to the Planned Unit Development
b) Site Plan Approval

The petitioner, Eric Tracy, provided background on Casey’s business. Casey’s has over 2,200 stores in 16 states and owns and operates all of their locations. The petitioner mentioned how Casey’s invests $3-$5 million per store, some of the company’s product offerings, philanthropic activities and environmental causes they support, which positively impacts the local economy. Tracy also mentioned the subject property’s current vacant state and its site location at Randall Road and Oak Street. Tracy described the site plan, the off-site traffic improvements and how there will be six pumps with 12 fuel positions. Mike Toth shared the updated site plan, which includes the deceleration lane on Randall Road. Toth added the new site plan to the record. Tracy shared the landscape plan that showed a departure from the 50’ setback which is necessary to accommodate the development. Tracy mentioned the building renderings, fuel canopy, signage as well as an example of the site lighting and the intent of the lighting plan to prevent light spillage.

Toth gave a background on the property and the development. Parcel 5 on the Preliminary Plan included a video store. Parcel 7 included a gas station. Gas stations are a permitted use in the PUD. A special use is required for a change in plan. The proposed gas station will mimic the gas station located across Randall Road. One of the deviations includes the 50’ setback, which is a PUD requirement, but is also required along Randall Road and Oak Street per the Zoning Ordinance. The added area is needed for the drive aisle fueling area. The other deviation is the monument sign. The proposed sign is 10’x 6’ with a 46 square foot readable area. The PUD allows a 10’x 6’ with a 32 square foot readable area. Site plan approval requires a separate motion for approval. The conditions of the approval relate to finding ways to bulk interior landscaping to make up for the deviation from the 50’ buffer. Tracy listed and described the intent of the conditions of approval. Staff recommended approval per said conditions.

Commissioner Botkin had no issue with the sign deviation, but inquired about the 50’ setback. Toth described where the setback is required and how it relates to the proposed site plan. Botkin asked if the setback would infringe upon the fuel canopy. Toth mentioned its similarity to the gas station across the street, which is still required to meet a 50’ landscape requirement.

Commissioner Bozik asked if the right-in, right-out on Randall Road would continue to Miller Drive or dead end at the property. Tracy stated the land seller will be installing the drive from Randall Road to Miller Drive. Bozik asked about the road cuts. Toth mentioned the access points will have to be approved in unison with Kane County. Bozik asked about cross access with the property to the west. Toth mentioned cross access was not required, but Casey’s would be amenable to it in the future if need be. Cross access was included at this point to avoid any potentially dangerous traffic movements. Bozik asked about the location of the underground fuel storage tanks. Tracy stated the location is shown on the plans and is located 17’ for the north property line.

Commissioner Branson asked about the building facade and if it was the latest look. Tracy stated this is the latest look. Branson asked about the number of fueling stations. Tracy explained the number of dispensers and fueling stations. Tracy added this is a single stacked row and the number of stations is typical and is on the smaller side compared to other area fueling stations.

Commissioner Lenkart asked about shared access with the property to the south. Toth mentioned a cross access agreement already exists with the property to the south. Lenkart asked about the screening of the rooftop mechanicals. Toth mentioned there is parapet screening. Lenkart inquired about the identifying area of the sign. Toth explained it is the area of the sign which includes the actual marketing signage.

Commissioner Tuohy asked if the monument sign will work in that area given all of the existing infrastructure. Tracy said they have surveyed the site and the sign will work. Tuohy asked about the height of the canopy. Toth stated it appears to be 19’8” according to the sign plan. Tuohy asked about semi trucks. Tracy said the site is not designed for trucks and the only trucks will be fuel and delivery trucks. Tuohy inquired about hours of operations. Tracy stated they prefer 24 hours if that’s what the area market allows, but most are 5 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Toth stated they are allowed to be open 24 hours, but there might be restrictions on the hours liquor can be sold. Tuohy asked if Miller Drive will go through so someone coming from Walgreens could access the site. Tracy stated that is correct.

Commissioner Lenkart asked about the sidewalks. Toth stated the sidewalks are a condition of approval, but the final location will be determined at a later date.

Commissioner Tuohy asked if the light has a pedestrian button. Steve Bosco stated there is a pedestrian button at that intersection.

Chairman Mike Brackett gave a synopsis of the Plan Commission comments.

Commissioner Lenkart inquired if a condition be added to require the access drive in a given time period. Tracy stated it is in Casey’s best interest to install the drive. Lenkart stated it should be added as a condition to complete the area movements. Other Plan Commissioners agreed, but it shouldn’t be required of Casey’s specifically. The Plan Commission discussed who should be required to install the drive aisle.

Toth stated that a condition requiring the private drive connecting Randall Road to Miller Drive be installed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy could be added.


1. Petition #21-08 (Parcel 5 of the Randall Square Subdivision): The petitioner, Casey’s Retail Company, requests the following actions in the B-2 General Business District, Planned Unit Development:
c) Special Use – Planned Unit Development Amendment with deviations to the Planned Unit Development
d) Site Plan Approval

Motion for approval of the site plan was made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. Vote: Bozik – Yes, Botkin – Yes, Branson – Yes, Tuohy – Yes, Lenkart – Yes, Brackett – Yes. Motion approved.

Motion for approval of a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development Amendment with deviations to the Randall Square Planned Unit Development with staff’s six conditions and the added condition requiring the private drive connecting Randall Road to Miller Drive to be installed prior to issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy was made by Commissioner Tuohy and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart. Vote: Lenkart – Yes, Bozik – Yes, Tuohy – Yes, Botkin – Yes, Branson – Yes, Brackett – Yes. Motion approved.



Toth stated the two cases from July Plan Commission meeting were discussed by the Village Board. The facades for Petition #21-06 were further updated after comments from the Trustees. Both petitions will be considered by the Village Board on August 16th. Toth explained some of the façade enhancements made. Toth stated the Board will also be considering the Ice Cream Drive industrial development.

Commissioner Tuohy asked the petitioner when they would start construction. Tracy said it would most likely be next year.

Commissioner Botkin asked about the Fortunato Restaurant. Mike Toth stated a permit has been submitted.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jessica Watkins
Village Clerk

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