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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

North Aurora Days Committee Minutes



Monday, May 13, 2024

Call to Order

Administrator Steve Bosco called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.


Julie Shoemaker, Norma Yario, Lynn Miller, and Steve Bosco | Not Present: Mark Gaffino, Jessi Watkins, Natalie Stevens

Approval of Minutes

Julie Shoemaker made a motion to approve the April 8, 2024 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Norma Yario.

Motion to Approve: All in Favor

2024 North Aurora Days

Administrator Bosco provided an update on the ATM for this year. He noted two years ago there were issues with the machine and last year the company did not make enough money and were not interested in returning. Finance Director Jason Paprocki reached out to a credit union we work with for the police station and they said that while they “may lose money on it” they would still provide us the ATM and we’ll see how it does.

Bosco told the Committee that the Village’s newsletter that goes out in June has a North Aurora Days insert. One page is dedicated to information about the event with band highlights and the other page details information about the shuttles and parking. Staff reached out to local businesses to get permission for parking and this will be the first year that Aurora Pack will be a parking option. With the other business parking lots the hope is that parking will not be negatively affected by the loss of parking at the Route 31/56 lot.

Regarding golf carts, Bosco said the Village would likely end up renting some for the event. He anticipates having at least two, possibly three. He said there had been previous discussion about drivers but said staff would be on hand to assist in driving the carts throughout the event.

The Committee discussed potential layout options. Bosco noted that the Village had removed rain garden and trees and will have additional seating up top behind the trucks for picnic tables, which was further increased as all children’s programming was put down below as well. The Committee discussed the placement of the large seating tent and Bosco said staff would look into other options. Concerns about some locations included the steep grade of terrain to get down to the tent and also views blocking the fireworks.

Regarding sponsorship tables, Lynn Miller updated the Committee that Superior Beverage would be submitting a sponsorship check, but noted they would pull their sponsorship if another beer vendor participated. Bosco brought up that staff was contacted by a State representative wanting to have one of the free not-for-profit tables at the event and the Committee could discuss futher at the next meeting. The Representative’s office noted it was not an election year and the goal of the table was to provide information about programs and resources available for the community.

Julie Shoemaker updated the Committee that the fun run was set to go with the school district, but in the event of rain they would transition to an inside dodgeball event in the gymnasium.

With nothing further to discuss the Committee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 pm.

Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie Stevens








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