Monday, July 10, 2023
Call to Order
Mark Gaffino called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Mark Gaffino, Holly O’Brien, Julie Shoemaker, Lynn Miller, Robyn Stecklein, Steve Bosco, Brian Richter, Todd Murphy, and Natalie Stevens
Approval of Minutes
Lynn Miller made a motion to approve the June 13, 2023 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Robyn Stecklein
Motion to Approve: All in Favor
Committee members provided individual updates on work progress since the last meeting.
Holly O’Brien confirmed the beer had been ordered and said that there were no plans for a second order on Saturday; they would sell out of what they ordered rather than order more. Lynn Miller said the Lions Club had a meeting tomorrow to try to get one more volunteer to assist with the ID check. O’Brien said they would have Square available to take credit card payments and it was confirmed there would be an ATM on-site. Village Administrator Steve Bosco said if needed the Village had a credit card machine that could be utilized.
Miller said she had tracked down some additional sponsorships from some who had sponsored last year but had not yet sent in their payment this year. The sponsorship total for 2023 was $29,500.
Officer Robyn Stecklein updated the committee on Touch-A-Truck and noted that while the Kane County Safety Coalition was not available this year, the police department would still be making child IDs. There would be no carseat safety checks.
Public Works Foreman Todd Murphy informed the Committee that all port-o-lets and dumpsters had been ordered and street sweeping and mosquito spraying scheduled. Community and Board Relations Coordinator Natalie Stevens added that the Fox Valley Park District had confirmed they would trim the area around Willow Lake for the fishing derby.
Julie Shoemaker updated the committee on the various community events. She said the fun run had 32 participants scheduled and more expected and said a local Cub Scout Pack would be there to sell water and snow cones. Mayor Mark Gaffino said Woodman’s was donating $500 for shirts for the softball teams.
The Committee discussed first aid kids, food vendors – of which this year Stevens aid was being set up on a first in system to avoid confusion and keep things easily moving – and setup of the event. Administrator Bosco noted the Committee may want to have a wrap up to discuss the North Aurora Days logo after the event given it features a firework and there have not been fireworks at the event for the last couple years.
With no further discussion, Jessi Watkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm, which was seconded by Lynn Miller.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Natalie Stevens