Monday, April 10, 2023
Call to Order
Mark Gaffino called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
Mark Gaffino, Jessi Watkins, Holly O’Brien, Julie Shoemaker, Lynn Miller, Robyn Stecklein, Steve Bosco, and Chris Wagner.
Approval of Minutes
Lynn Miller made a motion to approve the March 13, 2023, meeting minutes, which was seconded by Jessi Watkins.
Motion to Approve: All in Favor
Committee members provided individual updates on work progress since the last meeting. Jessi Watkins informed the committee members that the Dupage Childrens Museum is expected to set up a display during the event Friday night. Further discussion is in process with the library to coordinate space needs for their display. No word had been received back regarding volunteers, as such, no additional games were expected to be hosted. The committee discussed potential avenues to obtain additional volunteers, what age groups would be the most appropriate and various responsibility levels. Lynn Miller stated that she intended to approach several businesses which sponsored North Aurora Days in the past but had since stopped. Holly O’Brien reported that she had initiated the quote process for the beer tent beverages. Several new items were included to replace some of the less popular items or those that had received complaints during service. Holly let staff know that there were enough tickets left over from the previous year to cover for 2023. Administrative Analyst Chris Wagner provided updates on sponsorships received and other logistical progress made by staff. Wagner went over the updated layout from staff that reflected the location proposed for the museums display depending on space requirements. Wagner also noted that her absence was expected at the May Meeting, making this her last meeting before Natalie Stevens took over the event’s coordination. Robyn Stecklein updated the committee on the progress made in planning the Safety Day. Vendors were being lined up however, a new group may be necessary to perform the car seat checks. Julie Shoemaker provided an update on the ancillary events. Work was in progress with the volunteers for the fishing derby as well as the softball tournament. Chris Wagner suggested that the softball size be determined sooner rather than later to ensure enough time make the necessary purchases, if any. Discussion was also had regarding the school districts participation, which had not yet been finalized.
The committee discussed the expected code of conduct expected of sponsorship booth participants, and historical practices. Lynn Miller spoke in favor of approaching all businesses for potential sponsorship, and ensure they conform to the Village’s expectations. Administrator Bosco suggested that staff put together a written code of conduct for the committee to review before distribution to potential sponsors. Bosco explained that is would be beneficial for staff to have such a document to guide discussions with potential sponsors between meetings. The group was in favor of creating such a document to review at a future meeting.
With no further discussion, Jessi Watkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 pm, which was seconded by Lynn Miller.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Wagner