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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

Monday, August 7, 2023

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village Board meeting was conducted live remotely
via telecommunications.

Mayor Gaffino called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Mark Gaffino, Trustee Jason Christiansen, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mark Guethle, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Todd Niedzwiedz, Trustee Carolyn Salazar

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Finance Director Jason Paprocki, Community & Economic Development Director Nathan Darga, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Public Works Director Brian Richter, Police Chief Joe DeLeo.



1. Petition #23-03: North Aurora Fire Protection District Station #1 Planned Unit Development
Administrator Bosco introduced the item and stated that this was part of the ongoing zoning process related to the Village’s land swap agreement with the Fire District for the potential relocation of the Fire Station One.
Community & Economic Development Director Nathan Darga stated that the Fire Protection District was proposing to construct a two story, approximately 26,000 square foot building at the corner of Oak Street and Route 31. The front of the building would face Oak Street, the bays would face Route 31, the parking lot would be accessed from Oak Street and the existing alley, the alley would be improved and widened to handle the fire trucks. The trucks would be able to access the bays from the alley and pull through to Route 31. Darga said that there would be a landscaped public entry facing Oak Street.
Darga went on to explain what was being sought, he stated that the property was currently zoned O-R and R-2 and they are seeking a map amendment to rezone the properties to B-3, with the expectation to eventually rezone the rest of the block to B-3 as well.
Darga explained that the second request was for a PUD. The Planned Unit Development would approve the use of a government office or facility. It would also have several code exceptions for the site plan, mostly to do with fitting the building on the site.
The petitioner was also requesting site plan approval and final plat approval to merge the lots together to create the new lot for the fire station at 1.7 acres that was designated in the land swap agreement.
Darga stated that the Plan Commission met the previous week and recommended approval with several conditions which included pavement hashing on Route 31 to prevent vehicle queuing blocking the egress of the fire station.
Nathan Custer with Dewberry, representing the Fire Protection District presented to the Committee of the Whole the proposed Fire Station One. Custer stated that in working with the Fire Protection District on the design of the building, the first priority of the site design was to aid in the first response ability. Additionally, the design team had a list of eight priorities to adhere to during the design process. They aimed to preserve relationships by having conversations with all interested parties throughout the process; they prioritized firefighter health by adding elements to promote that; they attempted to be good stewards of resources with energy analysis and going above and beyond state sustainability standards; bearing in mind future assets, knowing that the building will be in use for at least 50 years; support staff with a family atmosphere; a focus on durability and the ability to maintain the facility and grounds; and being a good neighbor within the community.
Custer presented the Board with an overview of the proposed building, the floor plans and exterior aesthetics.
Trustee Curtis expressed concern for the red firehouse overhead doors. There was further discussion regarding the color palette and materials proposed for the building.
The Village Board expressed approval for the proposed building and all related petitioner requests. Multiple Board members also expressed their appreciation that the project was moving forward.
2. Human Resources Manual Revisions

Administrator Bosco reminded the Board of the previous Committee of the Whole discussion regarding proposed amendments to the Village’s Human Resources Manual. Bosco stated that in addition, there were now proposed changes to the Social Media Policy.

Finance Director Jason Paprocki recapped the original proposed changes to the policy. These changes included taking cannabis out of the “illicit drugs” and listed it similar to alcohol in relation to usage during work hours. Another change was to the ability of the Administrator to start a new hire at any point within the compensation range for that position. There was a change allowing the Administrator the ability to move an employee up a step in compensation at any time, if there was a justified reason for it. There was a proposed change to add a fifteen minute paid break to full time employees day to be used in conjunction with their thirty minute unpaid lunch break.

Mayor Gaffino stated that he would like to see altering that change to reflect adding a thirty minute paid break, as opposed to a fifteen minute break for full time employees. Trustees expressed no objection to that proposal.

Paprocki continued with the updates, stating that the changes would include a more defined description of flex time for full time employees. And the final previously discussed amendment removed the $750 budget limit for retirement celebrations.

There were no further suggestions or changes to the proposed amendments.

Paprocki stated that the Village’s Social Media Policy had previously been lengthy and restrictive. He said that the Village had been in discussions with the Village’s Labor Attorney to come up with a new policy that was more comprehensive. Paprocki explained that the new policy addressed employees’ representation of the Village on their private social media accounts.

Paprocki stated that there were a few additional smaller matters that had been addressed. He explained that the policy states that the Village’s first budget review or workshop should occur the second regular Committee of the Whole meeting in April, however the Village generally address the budget review earlier in the year. The change would omit the date in April and change it to “in accordance with our budget process calendar”.

Another change addresses a section of the policy that states that the Village Administrator shall give a monthly update on any work consultants were doing within the Village. This was suggested to be removed in an effort to match code to current process.

Paprocki stated that the final change was in regard to the current code which stated that the Village Administrator would go to the Board for approval of any new employee. The new verbiage would be that “the Village Administrator will be responsible for hiring new employees in accordance with our Personnel Manual”.

The Village Board was in agreement with the changes which included the thirty minute paid break for full time employees.



Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Niedzwiedz. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jessi Watkins
Village Clerk

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