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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Beautification Committee Minutes

Monday, July 17, 2023
Call to Order
Village Administrator Steve Bosco called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Al Broholm, Norma Yario, Ann Hosler, Rose Harding, Colleta Hines-Newell, Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Public Works Director Brian Richter and Community and Board Relations Coordinator Natalie Stevens
Al Broholm made a motion to approve the minutes dated April 17, 2023. Coletta Hines-Newell seconded. All others were in favor.
1. Green Thumb Program
The Committee briefly discussed the ongoing Green Thumb Property Recognition Program. They indicated they wanted to award the top four properties as decided last year and judging would be taking place shortly once the nomination period concluded and Stevens sent out the scoring rubric and nominated properties.
2. Halloween and Fall Property Recognition Program
The Committee had previously discussed last year about doing a Halloween property program, but the timing had not lined up. They were still interested in hosting one for this year and decided to make two categories where residents could submit for Halloween OR fall given the range of decorating this time of year. It was determined prizes would be awarded for the top several entries in each category of the same breakdown and of Woodman’s gift cards. The Halloween or Fall contest was selected to launch early October and nominations would go through October 24 so the committee would have time to judge the upcoming weekend and winners announced for Monday, October 30.

3. General Discussion / Project Updates

Administrator Bosco provided an update regarding the Route 31 mural and gazebo. The Committee had previously selected to move the mural to the Police Station and the gazebo, which was tied to the mural, has been moved there as well. The gazebo has been placed on a brand new concrete foundation adjacent to the Police Department parking lot and Public Works is in the process of updating the signage.

Al Broholm brought up a recent storm had damaged a number of flowers in the baskets, but commended Public Works for their quick response involving downed trees. Unrelated to the storm, he expressed concerns over the roadway by the railroad tracks along Route 25 and said there was a large ditch there that needed filled.

Broholm also suggested cleaning up the gazebo at North Aurora Riverfront Park as it was starting to look shabby and needed some maintenance including sandblasting and new paint. He mentioned there had been talk of moving it, to which Administrator Bosco said the Village was still waiting on IDNR regarding the dam removal and no large projects were happening in the park until we know of the effects the removal will have on the space.

Administrator Bosco mentioned the gears in the park and what the Committee’s thoughts were on them and Broholm said they are historic artifacts of the Village and said he wanted to see them washed and re-painted. Yario agreed that the gears were historic and should remain and Hines-Newell added the sign about the gears was looking a little dated. Administrator Bosco suggested perhaps spicing up the display by creating signage denoting what each gear did and placing it by the gears and increase awareness as to what they are. Broholm suggested looking into state grants to possibly refurbish them.

Hines-Newell mentioned that she’d like to see more beautification efforts done on the west side of the Village; like banners on the light posts. Public Works Director Brian Richter said they would have to see which poles the Village owned and noted that wood poles would not be conducive as they tend to “eat bolts.” Administrator Bosco said they could look at doing some banners along Oak Street and Broholm noted that Randall and Oak is the center of the Village.

Hines-Newell also said she’d like to see plants by the welcome signs and wanted to see drought resistant ones, but Broholm said they’d had that discussion before and said there were concerns about whatever was planted has to grow low so it doesn’t cover up the sign. Hines-Newell said plants could be made on the endcaps and change it up. Staff said they would look into options for the welcome signs.

The Committee briefly discussed some projects of the Fox Valley Park District, including their pedestrian bridge to span the Fox River, and any beautification efforts to be done along the trail area, specifically by Aurora Pack.
With no further business, Norma Yario made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 pm, which was seconded by Rose Harding.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Natalie Stevens

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