Monday, April 17, 2023
Call to Order
Chairman Carroll called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Mark Carroll, Al Broholm , Edoardo Tabasso, Norma Yario, Ann Hosler, Village Administrator Steve Bosco, and Administrative Analyst Christine Wagner.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the Beautification Committee Minutes dated January 16, 2023
Al Broholm made a motion to approve the minutes dated January 16, 2023. Edoardo Tabasso seconded. All others were in favor.
1. Future Meeting Schedule
Village Administrator Bosco reminded the committee of the previous meetings’ discussion regarding an earlier start time for the meetings moving forward. Bosco inquired if any of the members would be opposed to a slightly earlier start time to allow for further discussion needed, prior to the Village Board Meetings scheduled for the same evenings. All members were in favor. Bosco stated staff would explore the necessary steps to meet requirements of the open meetings act to update the schedule for the remainder of the year.
2. Property Recognition Program Schedule
Chairman Carroll reviewed the proposed schedule prepared by staff for the upcoming years’ property recognition schedule and asked the committee if any changes were requested, none were heard. The committee reviewed the proposed outline for the upcoming program, Green Thumb. Administrative Analyst Chris Wagner inquired if any changes were desired for any of the categories. Al Broholm spoke in favor of having the map available for judges again, having found it very helpful. No program changes were suggested. Committee members agreed the name should stay the same. Chairman Carroll asked when the tree lighting was scheduled, staff replied that it was scheduled for the first weekend in December. Carroll stated that the winter program could be promoted at that event, committee members spoke in favor.
3. General Discussion / Project Updates
Staff provided several updates regarding past projects including the mural placement at the Police Department. Contractors were expected to have the mural in place in the coming weeks. Al Broholm suggested that staff explore the movement of the gazebo on Route 31 to the police department site. Discussion was had regarding the history of Exposition Park, the gazebo, and its potential placement.
Administrator Bosco stated that landscaping for Village welcome signs had been allocated for the upcoming budget year. The committee agreed that the planting should be cost and maintenance effective.
Staff stated the flower baskets for the bridge were expected to arrive mid-May but there was a delay for the other planters. Ann Hosler stated she was in communication with Schaefer’s and there had been a setback due to the recent hailstorm and damage to flowers. The committee discussed alternate options, should they be unable to fill the order. Al Broholm stated that in the past, another high-quality vendor was suggested by Schaefer’s in this kind of situation.
The committee discussed the beautification options for the area near the railroad crossing on Route 56. Bosco stated that staff would explore options.
Al Broholm provided an update on the property adjacent to the Village Hall that had been acquired by the Park District, the planned pedestrian bridge and other projects serving North Aurora residents.
The committee offered it’s thanks to Chairman Carroll, who was stepping down from his Chairman Position.
With no further business, Al Broholm made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm, which was seconded by Edoardo Tabasso.
Motion to Adjourn: All in Favor
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Wagner