Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Connie Holbrook, Mark Bozik, Doug Botkin, Anna Tuohy, Mark Rivecco, Tom Lenkart. Not in attendance: Commissioners Aaron Anderson and Chairman Mike Brackett.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
Brian Bennett of Rempe Sharpe was also in attendance.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated 7/10/18
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Petition #18-09 Consideration of the Final Plat of Lincoln Valley Subdivision
2. Petition #18-10 Consideration of the Lincoln Valley Phase 1 – Final Plat
Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan opened the meeting. There were no audience comments. The public hearing was then closed.
1. Petition #18-09 Consideration of the Final Plat of Lincoln Valley Subdivision
2. Petition #18-10 consideration of the Lincoln Valley Phase 1 – Final Plat
Village Administrator Steve Bosco said that the Plan Commission had already reviewed the preliminary plat of subdivision when they reviewed the PUD request. When that was moved from the Plan Commission to the Village Board, the Village Board then approved the subdivision which included the preliminary plat. The final plat (staff’s review of the final approved subdivision and all of the lots with the village engineer) goes back to the Plan Commission for one last review. There was one change in that there was a request for a larger overland flow route on one of the lots. Bosco noted that there is a memo from Rempe Sharpe engineering where it says that all aspects of the plat are in exact accordance except that an upgraded 45-foot wide stormwater overland flow route has been added to the south perimeter of outlot 247 per Staff’s request.
Commissioner Rivecco asked about outlot 254 (along Banbury on the southern end). Rivecco said he wanted to clarify that it was the overflow from the creek from the south side of Banbury Road. The rep from D.R. Horton who was in attendance confirmed this. Commissioner Lenkart inquired about outlot 247. Bosco said that the outlot designated as 247 is the common area which will be turned over to the HOA. Commissioner Bozik asked if mass grading will be completed all at one time and then the three phases after that.
Bruce Mellen of D.R. Horton, 750 Bunker Court, Vernon Hills, IL, said that mass grading will be done once they close on the land. Phase 1 plat is the initial phase they are looking to develop streets and lots. Their plan is to have streets in before the end of the year to provide multiple points of access. Phase 2 and 3 will come in behind that. Timing is to be determined but probably shortly thereafter. Phase 1 in 2018, Phase 2 in 2019 and Phase 3 in 2020.
Bozik asked what will be done with Phases 2 and 3 as far as site maintenance soils. Will it be hydro seeded or left bare? Mellen said they have a plan in place that requires them to cover bare lots. It depends on where they are in the development. Bozik asked where the soil stockpile would be located. Bozik requested to keep it off the south property line where the townhomes will be located in order to ease the impact to them. Mellen said they are looking at the east side of the central pond for the stockpiles and another pile will be needed somewhere in the Phase 3 section.
Duncan asked if the four conditions pertaining to engineering issues had been addressed. Bosco said that the engineer is fine with the four conditions. The Village will not sign off until the developer has met the requests. The four conditions are: IDOT approval on the permit, engineering approval Phase 1 by the village engineer, IEPA sanitary and water permits have to be received and a public surety in the form of a LLC posted by D.R. Horton for 120% of public improvement for Phase 1.
Motion made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commission Botkin to approve Petition 18-09 with the condition that there be no soil stockpiles on the south property line. Roll Call Vote: Rivecco – yes, Tuohy – yes, Lenkart – yes, Holbrook – yes, Bozik – yes, Botkin – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
Motion made by Commissioner Tuohy and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco to approve Petition 18-10. Roll call Vote: Tuohy – yes, Rivecco – yes, Lenkart – yes, Holbrook – yes, Bozik – yes, Botkin – yes. Motion approved (6-0).
Bosco noted that the Village has a concept plan from Teska for a gathering space in Riverfront Park to do some beautification upgrades to make the park more functional and attractive. They are looking to bring this back to the Village Board for the first meeting in October. Also looking at the spillway to the bridge to determine a way to beautify it and make it more structurally sound. The silo and the plaza were budgeted for this fiscal year.
Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth has had discussions with another Burger King for North Aurora.
The Jeep dealership is looking for a nearby site for a separate dealership location.
Commissioner Botkin mentioned that the owner of the Moka Coffee Shop had expressed his frustration regarding the process of getting his business up and running taking longer than he had anticipated. Bosco said his frustration has been through his bidding process and not with the village. The owner had a budget for the project which was budgeted based on Wisconsin prices. His personal bids came back much higher than he anticipated. Bosco added that the owner is very close to getting a building permit.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Bozik. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk