AUGUST 4, 2015
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Connie Holbrook, Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Commissioners Mark Bozik and Anna Tuohy.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated July 7, 2015
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Site Plan Approval – Orchard Gateway Industrial Development
Ryan Mahoney of OPUS stated that Phase 2 of the Orchard Gateway development would include a 451,000 square foot building which would accommodate 48 docks and 79 trailers. OPUS is looking to break ground and put in a pad this fall with a completion date of July 2016.
Mike Toth and Teska Associates have reviewed the zoning and PUD requirements, which all have been satisfactorily addressed. Teska recommended that additional landscaping will be added on the north elevation adjacent to the foundation wall.
Commissioner Duncan said that she liked the office look of the two corners of the building and the addition of more glass compared to Building #1.
Commissioner Holbrook asked about revenue this development would bring into the village. Toth said that at this time the village does not know who the end user will be and therefore would not be able to determine that at this time. Holbrook said she was against another warehouse being built in the village. Toth noted that the use is a permitted at the location and the goal of the site plan review is to comment and make recommendations on the site plan.
Commissioner Botkin asked about the possible number of jobs that would be created through this facility. Mahoney said it could be anywhere from 100-200 jobs, or if the business is light manufacturing, it could be 300-400 jobs.
Commissioner Lenkart asked about the height of the building to the west. Toth said it was 38 feet. The proposed building would be 44 feet 9 inches and the PUD allows up to 46 feet. Commissioner Lenkart said he did not think the building needed to be that tall and that it would detract from the retail buildings already in place. Lenkart also noted that the Village would not see any revenue from this building. Lenkart asked about the number of parking spaces. Toth stated that 94 spaces is the minimum number required and that 249 spaces will be created at this location. Lenkart suggested adding parking as needed instead of having all 249 spaces at once. Lenkart also noted his concern regarding traffic.
Commissioner Anderson asked if OPUS would be using union labor. The developer answered, yes.
Chairman Brackett suggested additional landscaping to make the front of the building more appealing. Toth said that the trailer parking can be eliminated from the northeast corner. Brackett noted that there is a chain link fence in front of the second office area of Building #1 that leaves a negative appearance to the building. Lenkart said that there is nicer fencing available than what is currently in place. OPUS said they will work with staff and their office to address the issue with the fence so that the building is more appealing.
Duncan suggested better signage for the entrance to the retail shopping area since the entrance to the OPUS property is so close that shopping entrance.
Brackett suggested a better berm for Building #2 than what is in place at Building #1.
Suggestions by the Plan Commission:
-Installation of a berm off Randall Road
-Increase size of berm
-Foundation landscape on the northern building elevation
-No trailer parking on the northeast corner in the future.
-A more significant berm along Orchard Gateway. Toth said that the Village can ask for the berm, but that a berm is not required along Orchard Gateway since there are no loading spaces facing that road.
2. Village staff would like to solicit feedback from the Plan Commission relative to text
amendments associated with accessory buildings and authorized variations.
Language added for business districts: Page 2, Item #10 reads, “In all business districts, the exterior elevations of accessory buildings shall be architecturally compatible, and comprised of the same material and color, as the principle structure.”
Toth said that going back to residential districts and accessory building and uses, Item #4 will read, “Area. The combined square footage of all detached accessory buildings shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the zoning lot area or the total square footage of the footprint of the principal building or structure, or exceed the maximum lot coverage allowed in each zoning district.”
1. Project Updates – None
NE corner of Randall and Ice Cream Drive: petitioner will be approaching the village for a special use for a PUD to allow for a 175,000 s.f. building.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Anderson. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk