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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Development Committee Minutes


Trustee Guethle called the meeting to order.

Committee Members in attendance: Trustee Mark Guethle Trustee Mark Gaffino; Trustee Laura Curtis Staff in attendance: Mike Toth, Community and Economic Development Director; Steve Bosco, Village Administrator; Cindy Torraco, Exec. Assistant

Motion made by Trustee Gaffino and seconded by Trustee Curtis to approve the June 18, 2014 Development Committee Minutes. All in Favor – Motion Approved



1. Discussion on Tax Increment Financing Grant Program Guidelines

Toth noted the current T.I.F. guidelines are somewhat rigid and said he would like to add some points for clarity. The T.I.F. program needs to be more user friendly for businesses and it needs to be used as an economic tool to invest in the commercial businesses along Rt. 31. The T.I.F. brochure included in the packet has been updated, and Toth would like to take the T.I.F. guidelines to the Village Board to review updates to the procedures and then for approval by resolution.

Toth noted the guidelines set forth recommendations for landscaping, lighting and parking lot improvements. Toth noted rather than have a September deadline, he’d like to see the T.I.F. grant program be a more fluid process. He noted one change regarding ineligible projects, noting that T.I.F. funding should be provided for all of the property, not only the part seen from Rt. 31, but for the side and rear of the property, so that improvements all around can be applicable to the grant process. Secondly, T.I.F. grant applications could be submitted year round, rather than waiting for a September deadline. Toth noted that the program is not getting used and businesses are not taking advantage of it. The thought is to streamline the process. Offering the grant on a first come, first serve basis, as it was done in the past, this would allow businesses to submit applications for review and approval on a timely basis.

Trustee Curtis asked if this would include interior enhancements. Toth noted that the Façade Grant program would be just for the exterior of the building, and would include improvements on the side and rear portions of a property. Toth noted that to allow a business to enhance the entire property, not just the portion that faces Rt. 31, would make the business more appealing to its customers and employees as well.

Trustee Guethle agreed that anything that would help with the aesthetics along Rt. 31 would be good and he would like to be sure business owners take advantage of this grant program.

Staff will bring the T.I.F. Façade Grant Guidelines back to the Village Board with new language for approval at the next Village Board meeting in September.

2. Discussion on T.I.F. Façade Grant Application for 141 S. Lincolnway

Toth outlined the T.I.F. Façade grant application submitted from Ruth Stelzman for her law office at 141 S. Lincolnway for repaving the parking lot. Toth noted she is a good property steward and the property has been kept up, however the parking area is in disrepair. He noted that the cost for striping is included in the lowest proposal and that the way the parking lot is currently configured is fine. The amount for reimbursement would be $12,559.

Toth noted the current guidelines state a zoning inventory of property should be done, however it doesn’t say this has to be done prior to reimbursement. He noted there is a dumpster on the property and it is not enclosed, however he doesn’t see a reason to enclose it as it doesn’t’ affect reimbursement of the grant.

Trustee Gaffino asked about the patch work done at A & W and Interlake? Also, with the work done on the parking lot for Pedal and Spoke, was done in accordance with the prevailing wage. Toth noted the Village Attorney says that prevailing wage does not apply, as these are not government buildings. Toth noted the language could be kept in the guidelines.

Toth also noted with regard to the proposals, not only are we looking at the low bidder, but also looking at the scope of work and what is included in the proposal. Toth noted staff is recommending approval of this application.

Development Committee was in agreement with this application and Toth noted he will bring it to the Village Board for approval at the meeting in September.

3. Discussion on T.I.F. Façade Grant Application for 153 S. Lincolnway

Toth outlined the T.I.F. Façade grant application submitted from Cremer Guitar Works and showed the Committee a larger scale plan of the project. He noted the application was also for work along the side and rear of the building. Toth noted the property owner will be clearing out brush and debris and will move the dumpster. The total project cost is estimated at $12,815, with the applicant requesting $6,407.50. Toth noted LPI Construction provided the lowest bid and included the entire scope of the project, including the side and rear of the property. There was an issue with the stone material selected and quoted for the project, where the owner of the property amended to select a less expensive stone for the project.

Trustee Curtis said she loved the plan. Trustees Guethle and Gaffino agreed. Staff will bring this application to the Village Board for approval at the meeting in September. Toth thanked the business owners of Cremer Guitar Works, noting that they have also been good stewards of the property.

4. Discussion on Motor Vehicle Repair in the O-R-I Research and Light Industrial Zoning District

Toth noted the zoning ordinance already has standards in the Zoning Ordinance for motor vehicle repair and service uses. The discussion is whether to allow the use as a special use in the ORI district. Allowing this as a special use would allow the board to review on a case-by-case basis. Trustee Curtis asked if there would be any environmental issues. Toth noted that it is already light industrial and any of these types of concerns would be addressed in the permitting process. Further, Pace Bus is located in the ORI and does maintenance work on their busses. Toth noted he would bring this before the Plan Commission for a Public Hearing and have the parties who are inquiring apply for a special use.



Bosco noted there were a couple things he wanted to bring up. He noted that Dave Arndt, IT staff, sat in on this meeting because we have been talking about upgrading the audio visual of the board room. Arndt will be looking into finding a reasonable solution for the audio visual system for improvements.

During the strategic plan process the board discussed branding for the Village. This includes a uniform logo and vision statement / slogan that can be used to identify the village. The time to start researching this is now, as the water tower will be painted next spring, the welcome signs need to be re-done, street signs are going to be replaced, a number of items that should include a new logo to brand the village. Staff has been looking at other communities and park districts for ideas of simple, easy to reproduce logos that can be reproduced and used on all of these things. Staff will bring this issue to the Committee of the Whole within the next couple months. Bosco noted this is a process and the board will need to look at designing a logo in-house or hiring a company to create the design.

Finally, staff has been discussing the activity center, and after the board meeting on Monday, Bosco noted a lot would go into the demolition of the building. Before the building can be taken down, any old materials that the building has been constructed with has to be considered. Also, once the building is demolished, the board has to determine what to do with the property.



Trustee Gaffino made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Curtis

All in Favor – Motion Approved
Meeting was adjourned at 9:09 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Torraco
Executive Assistant


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