CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioner Andrea Rattray, Commissioner Mark Rivecco, Commissioner Connie Holbrook, Commissioner Mark Bozik, Commissioner Ed Sweeney. Not in attendance: Commissioners Mark Carroll and Tom Lenkart.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Village Clerk Lori Murray.
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Sweeney and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco. All in favor. Motion approved.
a. 12-003: 417 S. Lincolnway – Sign Variance (Speedway, LLC)
Speedway LLC requested variances for sign requirements. The request is to permit LED lighting panels to be located on the side of a freestanding sign and to allow LED panels to be located less than 400 feet from another LED panel. The signs, as proposed, will be approximately 225 feet apart from each other and approximately 250 – 280 feet from Thornton’s LED signs. Staff recommended approval subject to staff recommendations in the staff report.
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing.
Troy Triphahn with Corporate Design Development Group and Tony James with Speedway, LLC were in attendance for the hearing. Triphahn said that gas stations are required by law to provide price signs in a readable manner. Prices changes are made daily and having and LED sign would allow tellers to quickly change the prices from within the store and would also be safer than having to the sign and physically change the price. Triphahn said it was a quality and safety issue. Triphahn added that in many new developments, LED in the signage has almost being a necessity. Speedway proposed an LED sign, adding that it would not be a flashing sign and the LED would only be one color (red).
Chairman Brackett opened the public portion of the hearing.
Chris Reeve 403 Offutt Lane – Mr. Reeve asked if the only change requested by Speedway is the distance and the LED signs. Triphahn said that was correct.
There were no other comments or questions.
Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.
Standards for the sign variance:
1. Does this property have a unique physical property of the land? Bozik – yes, Duncan – no, Holbrook – yes, Rivecco – yes, Sweeney – no, Rattray – yes.
2. Are there any other available locations for adequate signage on the property? Sweeney – yes, Rivecco – no, Rattray – no, Duncan – no, Holbrook – no, Bozik – yes.
3. Will the proposed sign have an affect on pedestrian and motor traffic? Duncan – no, Holbrook – no, Bozik – no, Rivecco – no, Rattray – no, Sweeney – no.
4. Will there be more of a benefit to the applicant than a detriment to the public if we grant the variance? Holbrook – yes, Duncan – no, Rivecco – yes, Sweeney – no, Rattray – no, Bozik – no.
5. Does the variance comply with the general intent of the sign ordinance? Holbrook – yes, Duncan – yes, Rivecco – yes, Bozik – yes, Sweeney – yes, Rattray – yes.
Motion made by Commissioner Holbrook and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to accept the sign variance with the staff conditions. Roll Call Vote: Rattray – yes, Sweeney – yes, Duncan – yes, Holbrook – yes, Rivecco – yes, Bozik – yes. Motion approved.
b. 09-013:Lots 2 and 4 Randall Road Commercial Center–Revoke Special Use (VONA)
Scott Buening noted that the property being discussed is located where the senior housing was proposed on Miller Drive. Since the last time the Village met with the developer, the property has been foreclosed on and is now owned by the bank. The bank does not have any objections with revoking the special use.
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing.
Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of hearing.
Motion made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Bozik to recommend revoking the special use for Lots 2 and 4 of the Randall Commercial Center. All in favor. Motion approved.
-Clearwater Drive rezoning was approved by the Village Board. The Village is working on the next zoning analysis area which is along Dee Road. It is currently in front of the Development Committee for direction.
-The Village Board has approved an extension of time for the Orchard Commons Development. There was a July 15, 2012 deadline for all improvements to be completed. That has been pushed out to 2013. The property is in foreclosure at this time.
-The Village Board passed parking restrictions on Oak Street between Route 31 and Monroe due to visibility from motorists and more importantly the Fire Department.
-Permits have been issued for the CVS Drug Store.
-The Village is working on a grant for affordable housing study which will be done jointly with Batavia, St. Charles and Geneva. It will be a no cost grant to the Village.
Wes Kornowske said that the Village Board passed the FY 2013 budget effective June 1st. The Village ended the past fiscal year with $200,000 in revenues exceeding expenditures. Some of the bigger projects planned: 5-year Emerald Ash tree eradication plan which will be 200 trees a year. The Village is also planning on redesigning the Village website.
As of May 31st, the Village ended the first year with the new recycling toter program. Residents are recycling more. Within FY 2011, residents recycled 50 tons of recyclables to every 100 tons of refuse. Within this previous fiscal year, residents are recycling 53 tons of recyclables to 100 tons of refuse.
Commissioner Duncan announced the NOARDA concerts in the park by the gazebo. The first concert will be next Thursday, June 14th. There will also be a soft opening of the new water feature. There will also be a concert on the second Thursday in July and August. Concerts will be held from 6:30 – 9.
June 10th – Tour for the Cure (American Diabetes Association). There will be 350 cyclists traveling from Wheaton to the tri-cities.
Commissioner Rattray asked when construction will begin for the townhomes in the Highlands. Buening said that the developer is in the process of trying to secure financing and there is no date at this time.
Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Holbrook and seconded by Trustee Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray/Village Clerk