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Plan Commission Minutes

MAY 5, 2015

Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance:
Plan Commission Board: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Anna Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart, Connie Holbrook, Mark Bozik and Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan.

Village Board: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Mark Carroll, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Mark Guethle, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Village Engineer Jim Bibby.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated April 7, 2015
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Bozik. All in favor. Motion approved.

1. Petition 15-02: The petitioner requests the following actions on Lots 3,4 & 8 in
the Orchard Commons Development
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing. Those in attendance who planned to address the Commission were sworn in at this time.
1. Special use to allow a major change to the Planned Unit Development to allow a brewpub, microbrewery and agriculture with deviations to the required setbacks.
2. Site Plan Review (none public hearing item)

The petitioner, Parker Grabowski, gave a brief presentation of his proposal for a brewpub/microbrewery. The name of the business will be called Hardware. The building will be made of recycled materials and old steel and use LED lighting. The business will also have a hop farm which will produce 2000 pounds of hop a year. Hardware will be one of the only sustainable hop breweries in the country. Staff supported the setback deviation for the project. The issue of sidewalks was discussed in order to link sidewalks to the restaurant.

The petitioner’s architect and engineers will also come up with more light patterns and landscaping for the project. Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth noted that Staff recommended approval of the project. Special use conditions were listed in the report presented to the Plan Commission.

Commissioner Botkin asked about the business hours. Grabowski stated that the brewpub would be open 6 days a week. It would be closed on Mondays since that is when they will brew. The pub will be open for lunch and dinner during the week from 11 – 10 p.m. and 11 – midnight on weekends.

Commissioner Bozik noted his concern with the driveway that comes off of Tanner Road. Bibby said that the developer is challenged by the geometrics of the site. It is set at an optimal angle for access to the dumpster. There will be two entrances to the brewery. The business will need a wider and bigger delivery zone than normal due to the kind of products they will be receiving. Bozik said he was concerned about 18-wheelers and tractor trailers causing traffic problems, especially with the 55-mile speed limit near Orchard and Tanner Roads. Toth asked if Grabowski would be staggering hours for delivery. Grabowski said that all big trucks are supposed to be in by 8 a.m. Bozik asked if there is any plan for street lighting at Orchard and Tanner for safety purposes. Village Engineer Jim Bibby said that was a valid point and should be installed as part of the development. That should be installed as part of the development.

Commissioner Tuohy asked about the hours for truck delivery. Grabowski said that the only big truck would be for deliveries of grain which would be twice a month. Most deliveries will be between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. There are no deliveries after 10 p.m.

Commissioner Anderson asked about the construction time for the project. Grabowski said he would like to start in May and finish in November.

Commissioner Lenkart asked how far away the loading dock would be from the subdivision to the northwest. Grabowski said about 250 feet from the closest home. Lenkart asked if the two cisterns would be screened in any way. Grabowski said no because they are part of the look of the building.

Chairman Brackett asked if they would distribute the beer they produce. Grabowski said yes. Distribution would be to his business in Minnesota and Chicago for six months and after that, to other businesses in the area.

Audience Comments
Mark Sorrentino, 1051 Kettle Ave., North Aurora, IL – A question was asked if the petitioner’s proposal would encroach on the 50-foot setback or the building setback. Jim Bibby said it would be on the building setback. Sorrentino asked if the intention for Lot 8 would be agriculture forever. Grabowski said yes. Sorrentino asked if the trash and receiving area would be screened. Grabowski said he would be building a 12-foot masonry fence along Tanner Road and that the outdoor cooler and dumpsters would not be visible.

Todd Zeis, North Aurora – Zeis asked if there was any concern in regard to cars traveling at a high speed and coming in from the curb. Grabowski said the most critical area is the corner right past Tanner Road. He will be putting in a 40,000 pound boulder in front of that area. On both sides of the patio, there will be 14-foot cypress trees and the hop garden.

Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.

The Plan Commission was in agreement that they were looking forward to having this new business open in North Aurora.

Mike Toth noted that the maximum trailer size on the property would be 40 feet. This information can be written into the agreement, along with additional lighting along Tanner Road.

Motion made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Holbrook to move forward with a positive recommendation, subject to the following added conditions:

1. Additional street lighting shall be provided along the south side of Tanner Road, adjacent to the loading space on Lot 4, per the approval by the Village engineer.

2. All trailers associated with delivery and distribution on Lot 4 shall be forty (40) feet in length or less, and signage shall be posted to that effect.

Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Anderson – yes, Commissioner Holbrook – yes, Commissioner Lenkart – yes, Commissioner Rivecco – yes, Commissioner Bozik – yes, Commissioner Botkin – yes, Commissioner Tuohy – yes. Motion approved (7-0).

2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Joint discussion including Village Board of Trustees)
Devin Levigne of Houseal Levigne Associates was in attendance to answer any questions regarding the comprehensive plan.

Trustee Carroll asked about the effect on traffic with the narrowing of Route 31. Levigne said that traffic would improve given the introduction of a left turn lane and wider traffic lanes. Steve Bosco said that this appears to work. The only concern is with traffic coming off of the off-ramps. Commissioner Lenkart asked what would be the next step in 2015. Toth noted that the next step was to make sure that the Zoning Ordinance is aligned with the Comprehensive Plan.



Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Holbrook. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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