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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

MAY 5, 2014

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Laura Curtis, Trustee Mike Lowery, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee hat Guethle, Village Clerk Lori Murray

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steven Bosco, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Economic & Development Director, Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Police Chief David Summer, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Water Superintendent Paul Young.


1. Discussion of Electric Aggregation – North Aurora is one of the first communities in 2011 to approve electric aggregation. This has saved the community over $2.2 million versus standard ComEd rates since it was implemented. The Village is currently in a one-year agreement with Verde Energy which will expire in September. That agreement also includes support with 100% renewable energy. The Village is approaching an upcoming aggregation. Last year the Board directed staff to procure the best contract possible with support for renewable energy. The Village Board agreed to look at bids for a 2 to 3 year term. The Board was also in favor of looking at renewable energy.

2. Discussion of Strategic Plan Goals – Greg Kuhn of Sikich has put together 35 goals from the strategic planning session and Staff has placed those into 6 categories. Staff will take these comments and begin to write action steps. The 6 categories are: Community/Vitality, Economic Development, Financial, Core Services, Route 31 and Infrastructure.

3. Discussion of North Aurora Activity Center
The Activity Center was closed on March 12th after Staff, a structural engineer and the Village engineer witnessed cracks in some of the roof joists, primarily on the west side. At that time Share and Care, Haley’s Playground and Friday Nite Spot were the primary users. The Village retained Kluber Architects and Engineers. An assessment was done on 15 joists in 11 different areas. 3 of the areas had joists that failed with some joists 117% above the maximum capacity of their load.

Damage was due to framing that was not properly designed when the building was built and the cold weather this winter. The estimate to fix the joists and bring the building to a safe level would be $219,862.00. IMLRMA, the Village’s insurance carrier, concluded that 50% of the

joists had failed throughout the building. IMLRMA would provide the Village $69,000 to cover losses for the damage to the joists.

Trustee Curtis said that during the Board’s strategic plan meeting, the Board discussed redeveloping Lot 1. Curtis said she did not feel it would be wise to put money into an aging structure. Trustee Gaffino agreed and suggested closing the building and looking to other places in town for Friday Nite Spot and other groups who would use the building.

Trustee Guethle said he would like to see a place in town for activities such as Friday Nite spot, seniors and sports related activities such as basketball. Trustee Gaffino suggested the Village look at the Sperry property.

Mayor Berman asked what it would cost to remove the building and make the area green space. Village Administrator Steven Bosco said that he and Staff would report back to the Board with options.



Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Guethle and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. All in favor. Motion approved

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerks

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