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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes


MAY 3, 2016

Chairman Mike Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Aaron Anderson, Mark Bozik, Anna Tuohy, Connie Holbrook, Doug Botkin. Not in attendance: Commissioners Mark Rivecco and Tom Lenkart.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated March 1, 2016.
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.

1. Petition #16-02: The Village of North Aurora requests a Zoning Ordinance text
amendment to reduce the corner side yard setback in the E-3 Estate Standard District from forty (40) feet to thirty (30) feet.

2. Petition #16-03 (472-500 Clearwater Dr.): The petitioner, Rock River
Corporation, requests a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, pursuant to Section 9.2 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Chairman Brackett opened and closed the public hearings in order to further discuss the items under New Business.

1. Petition #16-03 (472-500 Clearwater Dr.): The petitioner, Rock River
Corporation, requests a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development, pursuant to Section 9.2 of the Zoning Ordinance.

The property has several outlot buildings and the owner requests a planned unit development for the use of outdoor storage.

Donald Dickenson, representing Rock River Corporation addressed the commission. Rock River Corporation was petitioning for a PUD on the property located just south of the tollway and west of Route 25. Also in attendance was Terry Mulligan, president of Rock River Corp and Brian Dolan who has the listing on the property.

Rock River spent several hundred thousand dollars improving 486 B Clearwater Drive before it was leased to the construction trailers, which continued until the recession in 2007. They could no longer afford the lease costs and moved out of the area. The location at 486 B has not been leased since that time. The 500 Clearwater Drive site is a second open area that has been for development by Rock River Corporation.

Dickenson said the petitioner had some objections to the recommendations made by Staff:

Condition #1 -Granting a public utility easement over a water main that is currently located on the property. No objection, but to locate the physical location of the water main.

Condition #2b – easterly area of the 500 Clearwater piece shall be screened with a solid fence. Currently part of it is screened with a fence. Petitioner objected to any additional fencing.

Conditions #2c & #2d – suggested that slats be added to chain link fencing at 486 b Clearwater. The petitioner stated that the area currently has a chain linked fence across the front and it is not very visible from Route 25. Mr. Dickenson presented exhibits 8, 9 and 10, which showed the existence of the tree line as well as existing buildings that affect the view. The petitioner said he did not see any reason for adding slats. Slats could possibly create a security problem since it would not allow good visibility. (Dickenson provided an example of someone hiding behind the fence and if law enforcement was policing the area, they would not be able to see beyond the fence.

Condition #2f – Objection to the word “operational”. Petitioner stated that there may be instances when customer store vehicles that are not in operational condition.

Condition #2i – staff recommended a 10 foot perimeter. The petitioner believes that is not necessary. Would like to have a 2 foot perimeter. With those changes, asked pc to approve their plan for the PUD.

Thomas Jones, 504 Clearwater Drive, North Aurora – Mr. Jones noted his concerns. He stated that this is the only entrance to Clearwater Drive. He was also concerned with property values dropping. Jones said he and the other residents would not be happy listening to trucks come in at 4 or 5 in the morning due to the noise.

Toth said the Village would like to have the ability for a code enforcement officer to come by and check on the property. Toth said that the construction operating hours are currently 6 am to 9 pm and that it may be possible to adjust that to a later start time.

The commission discussed possible landscaping between the proposed fence and Clearwater Drive. Toth said that landscaping could also be done on the southern portion of the 500 lot. Another suggestion was that the gate be placed on the northern portion of the property which would keep the trucks away from the south side near residential. The petitioner noted that there will be two gates – one on the north side of the property and one on the south. The plan will be to set the fence back a few feet and plant arborvitae around the fence.

Mike Toth noted the Change in conditions:
• Remove the word “solid” from Condition #2b. A six foot fence would be required around the portion of 500 that faces Route 25.
• Remove Conditions #2c and #2d
• Remove word “operational” from Condition #2f
• Keep Conditions #2g and #2h
• Condition #2i – go from a 10 foot to 2 foot perimeter
• Landscape screening would be done between Clearwater Drive and the fence.
• 10 foot buffer on south side of 500, only along the southern perimeter and bring the fence to 6 feet above grade.

Motion for approval made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Botkin. All agreed. Recommend to move forward with the PUD. Roll call vote: Anderson – yes, Botkin – yes, Bozik – yes, Duncan – yes, Tuohy – yes, Holbrook – yes. Motion approved (6-0).

2. Petition #16-02: The Village of North Aurora requests a Zoning Ordinance text
amendment to reduce the corner side yard setback in the E-3 Estate Standard District from forty (40) feet to thirty (30) feet.
Most homes located on corner lots in certain E-3 Estate Standard District neighborhoods, such as Tanner Trails and Lake Run, are set back around thirty (30) feet. Prior to the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance, there was no minimum corner side yard setback requirement in the E-3 District. The new Zoning Ordinance requires a forty (40) foot corner side yard setback. Staff would prefer that the adopted setbacks required in the Zoning Ordinance match the built environment to avoid non-conforming status and provide clarity when assessing the required setback for a residence in the E-3 District. Motion for approval made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. Roll Call vote: Anderson – yes, Touhy – yes, Duncan – yes, Holbrook – yes, Botkin – yes, Bozik – yes. Motion approved (6-0).

1. Fencing material discussion –
There was discussion regarding the unsightliness of chain link fences in both the residential, commercial and industrial areas. Staff would further review a potential text amendment and bring this item back to the Plan Commission for further discussion.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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