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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

APRIL 7, 2008

Village President Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Linda Mitchell, Trustee Max Herwig.

Staff in attendance: Village Atty. Kevin Drendel, Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Management Analyst Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Fire Bureau Chief Mark Bozik.


PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation Agreement for the Northeast Corner of Oak Street and Orchard Road
Village President Hansen opened the public hearing.

Village President Hansen reminded the public that everyone speaking at the public hearing would be under oath.

Bob Kenny, attorney for LFI, 9440 Enterprise Drive, addressed the Board with a brief presentation of the annexation agreement. Kenny said that LFI is requesting the annexation agreement and B2 zoning. The agreement was submitted to Staff, which was reviewed several times. Kenny said that there are no users for the property at this time. The purpose for the B2 zoning designation is to be able to go back to the commercial marketplace and show them that this property is viewed as commercial by the Village and therefore entice commercial users. Once there is a user, will come back to the Village for site plan review. That will occur if no variations or special uses are required.

Atty. Kenny said that under paragraph 22, cooperation, it identifies that since there are no users, LFI would like to be in a position to have an agreement to annex, but the annexation would not occur until LFI has retail users to bring to the Village.

Brian O’Connor, attorney representing North Aurora Together, 303 N. Main Street, Elburn, IL 60119 – Atty. O’Connor stated the concerns of North Aurora Together. O’Connor said that they are concerned, as stated by Plan Commissioners Mancini and Mitchell, that no one has seen the annexation agreement to this point. Atty. O’Connor said that if the Village Board should approve the annexation agreement, which permits for a B2 zoning use, there are 74 permitted uses, even without any special uses or variances. This could allow for any multitude of opportunities. O’Connor said that at the Plan Commission the comment was made that there would be some limitations and restrictions placed so that the development will be built consistent with the character and nature of the western gateway.

Marsha Watkins, 240 Kathryn Lane, North Aurora – Ms. Watkins informed the Board that she was concerned with the impact of stormwater on the Waterford Oaks subdivision. Watkins said she mapped out the stormwater grates, sanitary sewer locations and two catch basins. Waterford Oaks has had a reoccurring water problem that their subdivision is trying to get addressed that will be impacted by the decision the Village makes for the property at Oak & Orchard. Watkins said that the stormwater receptacles are all along Oak Street at a downward slope, eastbound of the dry lake that is at the corner of Forest Ridge and Oak Street. The dry lake fills up readily without a steady downpour. There are several areas on the property that hold water. In mapping out the stormwater receptacles, Watkins noted that they are not located where the water issue is in the subdivision. Along the western edge, there are no stormwater pipes. Watkins said she did not understand how placing a berm would fix this problem.

Sharon Nagy, 501 Princeton, North Aurora, IL – Ms. Nagy asked about the types of businesses that would be allowed in the B2 zoning, if it would include Walmart, and if the petitioner is planning to be in negotiations with Walmart. Village President Hansen said that there are currently no negotiations for that parcel. Village President Hansen said there are 74 different potential uses. Those uses are listed on the Village website. Nagy asked if Walmart would qualify under the B2 zoning. Atty. Drendel said that Walmart is a retail establishment and therefore would qualify. Atty. Drendel added that what Walmart proposed previously could not go on the property at Oak & Orchard under straight zoning. Nagy asked if there have been any studies done as to the impact of additional business to the Village’s water supply. Village President Hansen said that the Village has a water committee, which met earlier in the evening, and works on projecting the water needs for the future. Village President Hansen said that the water issue is a problem not just for North Aurora, but for all of the cities along the river.

There were no further comments. Village President Hansen closed the public portion of the meeting.

Motion made by Trustee Mitchell and seconded by Trustee Herwig to close the public hearing. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Mitchell – yes, Trustee Herwig – yes, Trustee Gaffino – yes, Trustee Strusz – yes, Trustee Herlihy – yes, Trustee Berman – yes. Motion approved (6-0).

Village President Hansen noted that items, 4, 5 and 9 would be pulled from the agenda.


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