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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

APRIL 4, 2011

Mayor Berman called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m.

In attendance: Mayor Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Chris Faber, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Vince Mancini, Village Clerk Lori Murray. Not in attendance: Trustee Mark Guethle.

Staff in attendance: Chief Administrative Officer Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Atty. Roman J. Seckel (Drendel & Jansons), Fire District Representative Ryan Lambert.


1. Discussion on 149 S. Grant Street Special Use Recycling Center
Representatives from River Valley Recycling addressed the Board. They informed the Board that the North Aurora recycling center would be used as a collection point for recycled items and not as a processing point. The current building will be demolished and used for parking. Tanks will be removed and a new concrete base poured. There will be a new property line so that there will be two parcels. The applicant’s attorney stated that the sidewalk would be installed when the bike path goes in.

Trustee Gaffino was not in favor of accepting vehicles at the recycling center. His concern was monitoring these items and making sure they are not on site for more than the allowed period of time. Staff recommended no outdoor storage.

Trustee Mancini said he was concerned with runoff of oils or other contaminants from the block containment area. Mancini asked if recycled materials would exceed the wall height. Answer was no. Mancini asked if there was any discussion with neighbors regarding creating an SSA. Buening said no.

A question was asked about the reason for the gravel parking areas. Buening said that the applicant has agreed not to and that the area would be paved or landscaped. A question was asked about the location where the steel bailing would be take place. Answer was indoors. Trustee Herlihy asked why the real estate is subdivided into two lots. Buening said that the applicant would be subdividing. The northern parcel would be sold to the adjacent property owner. Herlihy also questioned the reasoning for accepting vehicles at the recycling center and did not want the Village to have an outdoor junkyard. .

Trustee Mancini suggested this use be a renewable special use.

Trustee Herlihy suggested that crushing be done on the inside under cover. The applicant said they would agree to store all vehicles that they accept indoors.

The applicant suggested the following:
1. Storing of all vehicles indoors
2. Runoff stormwater to be tested by Jim Bibby or someone else
3. Agreeable to monitoring.

Trustee Herlihy agreed with the Plan Commission that the work be done indoors.

2. Discussion on Verizon State of Illinois Government Contract Pricing
Wes Kornowske said the Village would save money by switching to the Verizon State of Illinois Government Contract Pricing. Board was in favor. Plan to move forward.

3. Discussion of FY 2011-12 Draft Budget
Bill Hannah presented the draft budget for FY 2011-12. To be discussed further at the next meeting.

4. Discussion on Gladstone Development Requests
Dave Bolger and Adam Dontz of Gladstone Builders were present. Dontz asked the Board to consider the following:
1. Accelerate the timeframe for public improvements and release Letters of Credit.
2. Terminate Revenue Gap Fee in exchange for completion of Public Improvements.
3. Align permit fees with municipal hard costs.

Dontz said they would install sidewalks in Mooselake and install sidewalks and final surface at Windstone Place. Upon completion of these improvements, Gladstone requested the Village release the letters of credit. Parkway trees would be installed at the time of home construction.

Scott Buening said that Mark Smith felt it would not be appropriate to release the LOCs because of the grading that is still required on the lots or until more of the lots are completed. Herlihy asked if grading would have to be properly completed before putting in the sidewalks. Dontz said that his engineer got in touch with Mark Smith and the issue is limited not to improper grading to mass lots but is an isolated issue to a handful of lots. Later this week Ray Ulrich of Taurus and Mark Smith were going to visit on site and will hopefully come back on the 18th with a resolution.

Trustee Mancini said that he did not want trees planted on the empty lots.

Scott Buening and Trustee Mancini noted their concern that without the LOC, the Village does not have the standard one-year maintenance period. In terms of permit fees, Mancini said the Village would have to look at it globally and cannot change it just for one developer. Kornowske noted that Gladstone is current paying lower building permit fees than what was last adopted by the Village Board.

Herlihy said he would be in favor of a modification to the annexation agreement with the three points suggested by Gladstone.

Dontz said he would come back to the next meeting with the package that releases the letters of credit once the sidewalks are installed, terminates the revenue gap fee when the public improvements are complete and incorporates permit fees into the annexation agreement.

5. Discussion on Windstone Letter of Credit Release – Earthwork
(info discussed in item 4)


Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session to discuss Executive Session Minutes of March 21, 2011, Labor Negotiations and Land Acquisition. All in favor. Motion approved.

(return from Executive Session)

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Faber and seconded by Trustee Gaffino. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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