Chairman Mike Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioner Connie Holbrook, Commissioner Mark Rivecco, Commissioner Mark Bozik, Commissioner Andrea Rattray, Commissioner Tom Lenkart, Commissioner Ed Sweeney, Commissioner Mark Carroll.
Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Community Development Director Scott Buening.
Commissioner Lenkart noted a change on page 2: Change 829% to 29%
Commissioner Holbrook noted a change to the last page: Change “retention pond” to “retaining wall”.
Motion made by Commissioner Holbrook and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart to approve the Minutes with the changes as noted. All in favor. Motion approved.
a. 10-009: Clearwater Drive Zoning Map Amendments (VONA)
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing.
Community Development Director Scott Buening explained that the proposal is to rezone Clearwater Drive, south of the industrial area. There are currently multiple zoning districts in the area. This area is a mix of uses and is currently designated as single family in the comprehensive plan. Over the years the zoning classifications have changed. Many years ago the Village rezoned this to industrial with the thought that the industrial park would follow into this area, but that never happened. The Village has received requests to rezone the area to residential. Several of the properties are single family, a couple are multi-family and there are a couple of vacant pieces, along with the properties that the Fox Valley Park District purchased.
Staff recommended rezoning the areas into the multi-family district with the exception of the park district property which is proposed for the ER district. Recommendation is to rezone the properties from the R1, R2 and I1 districts to the R3 district. The park district property would be rezoned from residential to ER.
Commissioner Rattray asked if all of the parcels are individually owned. Buening said yes. Rattray said that the proposed use shows the front half riverfront as open space with the back being multi-family. Rattray asked if the park district plans to buy the parcels and if so would they split the properties. Buening said they would probably buy the entire property.
Commissioner Rivecco said that the current Comprehensive Plan has the area designated as single family. Rivecco asked what the reasoning was for this zoning. Buening said he was not here when it was done, but thinks that the idea was to follow the trends at the time.
Commissioner Rattray asked what the building line setbacks are. Buening said there is a 30-foot setback. Rattray asked where the floodplain is in relation. Buening said that the distance is 200 feet.
Commissioner Sweeney said this change would set the stage for a theoretical developer to buy all of the property and build something substantial multi-family. Buening said the acreage is relatively small so would only allow for about 30 units.
Commissioner Bozik asked what the benefit is by changing from R3 versus leaving the existing zoning. Buening said that if something is rezoned to multi-family, cannot put conditions on the zoning. Other issue is that the two properties that are multi-family units are non-conforming and if those properties burn down, they cannot be built again as a multi-family unit.
Chairman Brackett opened the public portion of the hearing.
Tom Jones (504 Clearwater Drive, North Aurora, IL) – Mr. Jones asked if this will change the property values. Buening said it should have no affect since it will be based on what the use is of the property. If the property is being used as single family, it will be assessed as single family. Mr. Jones asked why the one property on the north end is zoned as industrial. Buening said the Village did not consider this since that property is a single ownership and part of the Clearwater Industrial Park. Mr. Jones said that it would be more logical to have all of the properties on the street as one zoning.
There were no further comments. Chairman Brackett closed the public portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Bozik asked if it is possible that a property have multiple zoning so that they can choose to go Industrial or R3. Buening said that a property cannot have two zoning districts. A property can be a PUD which would allow for different uses.
Motion made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco to accept the Zoning Amendments for 10-009: Clearwater Drive Zoning Map Amendments. All in favor. Motion approved (6-0). Buening said this item would be on the Village Board agenda on May 7th.
The Village Board approved the Speedway Gas Station. They did not approve a wall but approved a berm with more landscaping.
Commissioner Sweeney asked if the Village has compared its burn ordinance with other communities in terms of restrictiveness. Village Administrator Wes Kornowske said that Staff had discussed it a few months ago and decided not to amend the current ordinance. Kornowske added that it can be revisited.
Commissioner Lenkart asked if there is a budget for trimming of parkway trees. Kornowske said the Village has a very aggressive tree trimming program currently in place.
Commissioner Rattray asked when construction would start for the townhomes at Randall Highlands. Buening said they originally planned to start in March but now looks to be June.
The building permit for CVS has been approved.
Mark Sorrentino’s property has been foreclosed upon. This is where the senior living housing was going to be located. Sorrentino no longer owns the property.
Commissioner Holbrook asked about the Tastee Freeze on Route 31. Buening said the owner had some problems with money. Not sure when there will be a new tenant.
Commissioner Rattray said the Village Green sign with the population information and the Village of North Aurora sign is adjacent to the tollway and did not realize until recently that North Aurora goes all the way to Sullivan. Buening said that the population sign can be moved to the Speedway once it is built.
Commissioner Rattray asked if the new fast food place (Jimmy’s) is permanent. Buening said they have a transient permit which can be applied for 3 times a year.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Rattray.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk