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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

APRIL 20, 2009

CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 p.m.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Max Herwig. Not in attendance at time of roll call: Trustee Linda Mitchell (arrived at 7:22 p.m.).

Staff in attendance: Attorney Kevin Drendel, Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Water Superintendent Paul Young, Police Chief Tom Fetzer, Bureau Fire Chief Mark Bozik.


1. Discussion of a Draft Purchasing Authority Resolution for Police Facility Construction
Assistant to the Village Administrator Wes Kornowske said that this resolution would raise the Village Administrator’s purchasing power during the construction of the police facility from $5,000 to $10,000.

Trustee Herlihy said this was discussed at the committee level and it was decided to bring this to the Board for discussion. Herlihy said the committee had a couple of questions as far as if this would be a single $10,000 approval until the Board approved and cleared it or was it unlimited. Trustee Gaffino said that since the meetings are weekly, he didn’t see this to be an issue either way. The construction company rep said that if the Board is meeting weekly it shouldn’t be a problem but if the Board was meeting monthly, it could delay the project. Atty. Drendel said the Board only has Board meetings twice a month and if there needs to be approval, would have to have a special meeting. Trustee Berman said there was no reason to allow this increase in purchasing power at this time. If it is a problem, the Board could change it at a future date. Trustee Herwig said he felt the same since the Board meets weekly at this time and suggested having the resolution ready to implement if that is the decision of the Board in the future. The Board agreed.

2. Discussion on Police Facility Temporary Construction Easement from First Industrial Investments, Inc. – Consent Agenda.

3. Discussion of North Aurora Days 2009 proposed budget
Trustee Herwig submitted the proposed budget to the Board. The amount for fireworks was increased this year. Projections for revenues were $26,000 and expenses at $46,000. Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin noted that sponsorships are coming in slow this year. If the Village does not get $18,000 in sponsorships, the Village may need to subsidize it from the General Fund. Herwig said that sponsorships are at $5500 to date. At this time last year, the Village had received $8,000. In year’s past the Village received closer to $12,000. Consent Agenda.

4. Discussion of 2009 Watermain Replacement program
Water Superintendent Paul Young said that bids were opened last week. This program consists of Sycamore Lane from the treatment plant area at Princeton to Oak Street. Twenty-seven bid packets were taken out and 11 companies bid on the project. There was an Alternate A that included Oakwood Drive to create the loop, extending it further east. The easement would run up Oakwood to the bottom of Riverside Drive. Finance Director Bill Hannah said he did not feel comfortable enough going with Alternate A and would want to put it off to another year. Trustee Herlihy confirmed that the draft budget shows that the project is $475,000. Trustee Herwig said that the $92,000 alternate could be put into the draft budget along with the $475,000. Trustee Berman questioned if the $92,000 price would remain the same if the additional work is done in future years. McLaughlin said that number would increase. McLaughlin said that since it is in the TIF district the Board can approve it being done this year out of the TIF.

Herlihy asked why the water fund is paying for service lines to the police station. Hannah said that was one of the draft budget proposals to reduce any additional debt requirements that would need to be issued by the Village. Trustee Berman said that it is very rare that a bid comes in so much lower than the engineer’s estimate. Berman said it is a good price and might be in the Village’s interest to go with alternate A.

(Trustee Mitchell arrived)

To be discussed further at the next meeting. New Business

5. Discussion of the acceptance of a bid for the 2009 Crack Sealing program
Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock said that five people came in for bidding on the project. Freehill Asphalt, Inc. was the low bidder. Consent Agenda.

6. Discussion of the North Aurora Fire Department radio system antennas on the water tower
Bureau Fire Chief Mark Bozik said that the fire district is requesting an intergovernmental agreement with the Village to place fire department owned antennas on top of the three village water towers. The fire district worked with the water department to make sure the towers could handle the antennas. With the communication system, the benefit is that it can be used with the water department’s radio system. It would give the water department wireless capabilities. Backbone for the system is $100,000 for the fire district. The fire district budgeted the installation of power to well 5’s wellhouse. The water department also needs power there to upgrade some of their alarm features for the well on that site. The fire district budgeted $9600 to run a new service from the ComEd line to the well house. Bozik proposed taking the $9600 and putting it toward the installation of the power from the treatment facility into the well house. Trustee Herlihy noted that the $9600 is the “not to exceed” amount for the fire department. If the cost is more than this, the Village would have to pay the balance. Herlihy said that the Board would need an IGA from Staff before approving the agreement. New Business.

Trustee Herlihy said that the water committee met earlier in the evening. There would be some possible additional budget expenses for well 3 and for some redundancy controls and communication hardware.

Herlihy said that someone asked him about what was happening with Monroe Street. Herlihy asked that the Board be informed on this project.

Herlihy asked that the Village Board be given the opportunity to review drawings and information on the new police facility building.

Community Development Director Scott Buening said that the final engineering has not been done on the Monroe Street project. The profile of the road is going to be similar to Grant Street with curb and gutter and sidewalk on the east side of the roadway. Mike Glock said that the street will allow for parking on the west side. Buening noted that the Village has not yet been awarded the grant.

1. Personnel – Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Strusz to adjourn to executive session. All in favor. Motion approved.

ADJOURNMENT – 7:38 p.m.
Motion made by Trustee Herwig and seconded by Trustee Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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