CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Bozik, Tom Lenkart, Mark Carroll, Aaron Anderson, Anna Tuohy, Mark Rivecco. Connie Holbrook arrived at 7:10 p.m.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated March 5, 2013
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Bozik and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. The Village of North Aurora requests a text amendment to Title 17, Section 15 of
the North Aurora Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) specifically regulating non-conforming residential uses (Petition #13-03)
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing. Community Economic and Development Director Mike Toth noted that the text amendment is a result of the Dee Road Zoning issue last year. Staff recommended approval.
(Commissioner Holbrook arrived)
Commissioner Carroll asked if this text amendment satisfied the property owner looking to refinance. Toth said yes. Commissioner Bozik asked how much it would cost someone requesting a special use. Toth said the cost would be about $300.
A Motion was made by Commissioner Carroll and seconded by Commissioner Holbrook to recommend the text amendment. All in favor. Motion approved.
Chairman Brackett closed the public hearing.
Toth asked the Plan Commission if they had recalled any past discussions regarding gas stations being prohibited in the B3 District. Toth noted that the 1990 Zoning Ordinance listed gas stations as a special use in B1 and permitted in B2 & B3. In 2009, it was prohibited in the B1 and a special use in the B2 and B3. Currently it is a special use in the B2 and prohibited in the B3. Toth questioned why it is prohibited in the B3 District. Toth said he is working with a property owner to reopen the gas station on Route 31 and is encountering a roadblock in the zoning. Toth said the Village needs to reestablish gas stations in the B3 District by way of a special use.
Chairman Brackett asked if anyone was opposed to pursuing this and correcting it as a special use. Bozik said he was in favor as long as it is as a special use.
Toth said that there are some districts that were not included in the new zoning ordinance and he plans to revisit this item in the near future and get the issue resolved. Toth added that he would be bringing some amendments to the Commission in order to clean up the zoning districts.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Holbrook and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk