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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Plan Commission Minutes

APRIL 1, 2014

CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 pm
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Co-Chairman Jennifer Duncan, Commissioners Mark Rivecco, Anna Touhy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart.

Not in attendance: Commissioner Connie Holbrook, Mark Bozik and Mark Carroll.

Staff in attendance: Village Administrator Steve Bosco, Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

1. Approval of Plan Commission Meeting Minutes dated February 4, 2014
Commissioner Touhy noted that her name was misspelled in the February 4th minutes. Correction to be made to read Anna Touhy.

Motion made by Commission Duncan and seconded by Commissioner Touhy to approve the Plan Commission Minutes with the change to Commissioner Touhy’s name. All in favor. Motion approved.

(Commissioner Lenkart arrived)

1. Petition #14-04 The Village of North Aurora requests text amendments to Title
17, Chapters 8, 9, 10, 13 & 16 of the North Aurora Zoning Ordinance regulating athletic and recreational uses.

Petition 14.4 – Introduces the athletic and recreational uses into the industrial areas and addresses some of the inequities in the commercial areas. Couple of changes based on comments by the Plan Commissioners. For club, lodge and hall…originally took out athletic purposes from the definition, however, left it in the districts in I1 and I2 but made it a special use. Included the indoor recreation in the I1 & I2 districts.

Toth said that the Development Committee was unanimously supportive of the ordinance when it was brought before them at their last meeting.

Commissioner Lenkart suggested removing the mention of regularly held meetings in the Club, Lodge or Hall section of the ordinance. Motion made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Duncan to accept the change to the zoning ordinances for Petition 14.04. All in favor. Motion approved.

2. Petition #14-05 The Village of North Aurora requests a text amendment to Title
17, Chapter 13 of the North Aurora Zoning Ordinance relative to recreational vehicle and utility trailer screening.

The Village Board and the Development Committee felt that the screening provision puts an unnecessary and undue burden on residents who have not been required to install screening for years. The suggestion was to take out the screening requirement of 6 feet.

The Village Board suggested limiting the total number of recreational vehicles to 1 vehicle per household. Commissioner Lenkart said he would rather grandfather in residents rather than not have this requirement for the future. Toth said the Village looked into grandfathering and it would be hard to grandfather if you the resident does not have a permit

Motion made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Rivecco to remove the screening requirement in the Ordinance and agree with staff findings. All in favor. Motion approved.


-Mike Toth thanked Commissioner Lenkart and Commissioner Anderson for their part in the Homes for a Changing Region Project.

-Activity Center – The Village made the decision to shut down the Activity Center building due to safety concerns about the roof. Share and Care is now operating at 1200 John Street.

Commissioner Touhy asked if the building will be torn down. Steve Bosco said the Activity Center situation will be discussed at the Village Board meeting on the 21st.

Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Rivecco and seconded by Commissioner Duncan. All in favor. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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