MARCH 3, 2020
Chairman Brackett called the meeting to order.
In attendance: Chairman Mike Brackett, Commissioners Anna Tuohy, Aaron Anderson, Tom Lenkart and Doug Botkin.
Not in attendance: Commissioners Jennifer Duncan, Mark Bozik, Connie Holbrook, Mark Rivecco.
Staff in attendance: Community & Economic Development Director Mike Toth and Village Clerk Lori Murray.
1. Approval of Plan Commission Minutes dated February 4, 2020
Motion for approval made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Botkin. All in favor. Motion approved.
1. Petition # 20-03 (153 S. Lincolnway): The Petitioner, Fox Metro Water Reclamation District, requests the following actions in the B-3 Central Business District:
a) Approval of a Special Use to allow a Utility (Pump Station)
b) Site Plan Approval
Chairman Brackett opened the public hearing. Those who planned to speak were sworn in at this time. There were no public comments. Chairman Brackett then closed the public portion of the hearing.
Pat Kelsey of Deuchler Engineering addressed the commission. Kelsey was representing Fox Metro Water Reclamation District in the request for a replacement pump station for the North Aurora pump station. Also in attendance was Tom Muth of Fox Metro Water Reclamation District and Michael Perez, architect for the project. The North Aurora pump station is located along the Fox River and along the Fox River trail. The current pump station is on the east side of the trail and accessed from the parcel immediately to the south of Pedal & Spoke. The pump station that exists was built in the 1960s and needs to be replaced. The district has purchased a parcel that is landlocked. Kelsey stated that they have worked with Fox Valley Park District for access for both grading and some construction staging on the parcel between the existing station and where the existing pump station is proposed.
The proposal is to build a facility that will handle up to 32 million gallons per day. It will lift sewage about 65 feet from below the river. The reason construction is not being done in the same location is because the pump station needs to remain completely active until the new station is operational and has been tested.
Site plan: There is a very steep slope that leads to the base of the new pump station. This will shield the rest of the immediate surrounding businesses since it is along the Fox River trail. There is no parking but there is a maintenance concrete pad to bring equipment and trucks in and out. To the north end of the parcel, there is equipment that sits outside. The applicant is proposing fencing off that equipment.
The building will have a brick façade. There is extensive landscaping proposed and some of that is at the request of the Fox Valley Park District.
The majority of the mechanical and electrical systems are underground. The facility is 55-foot deep into the ground and is cut into the bedrock. Bedrock will have to be mined for about 50 of the 55 feet. There is about 7 to 8 feet of soil cover over the existing ground.
Most of the time the facility will be unattended and monitored remotely. Fox Metro staff will be in on a regular basis to make sure everything is operating correctly.
Once the facility is operational, the previous pump station will be removed.
At this time, Mike Toth noted that staff recommends approval of the proposal. The request is for a special use to allow a Utility on the property located in the B-3 Central Business District. The property meets all of the setback requirements and there are no encroachments into the setbacks. There is also no required parking for a utility.
Plan Commission Comments
Commissioner Tuohy asked about the general timeline. Answer: The petitioner will go out to bid in May and expected construction before July. It will be about 18 months for substantial completion and the plan is to be operational in late fall of 2021 or early winter of 2022.
Commissioner Lenkart said that although there is no parking, there is general access for service trucks. Lenkart asked if there was concern about others parking in that area and if there as any thought of gating off the area. Answer: A drop gate may be placed there which would stop motorized vehicles from entering.
Lenkart asked if the bike path access will be blocked during construction. Answer: To the maximum extent possible, the trail will remain open. There is a period of time where part of the sewer utility has to be relocated under the area of the trail. The petitioner is currently looking at feasible alternative routes during that time period.
Brackett noted that the address of the property is 153B and Kramer’s business address is 153A. There was a lot of confusion and miscommunication in the past and Kremer’s property was almost demolished twice. Brackett asked if the address could be changed. Toth said that staff will work with the Fire District to assign a new address.
Brackett said that there is an easement on the north side of the Atrium building and asked if it will be abandoned. Answer: No since there are pipes and sewers in that easement. It may be used as a construction entrance.
Brackett stated that there is an easement agreement that goes on the north side of the Atrium building. Toth said staff will look at that prior to the ordinance draft.
Motion for approval of the special use made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Lenkart. All in favor. Motion approved.
Motion for approval of the site plan approval made by Commissioner Botkin and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. All in favor. Motion approved.
Mike Toth reported that the village board unanimously approved the PUD for the Aurora Packing redevelopment. Also approved was the mixed use development (3-story, 28-unit building with ground floor retail) south of the My Place development.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lenkart and seconded by Commissioner Tuohy. All in favor. Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk