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An Attentive Municipal Organization that Connects with Community, Commerce, and Nature.

Committee of the Whole Minutes

MARCH 2, 2009

Village President Hansen called the meeting to order.

In attendance: Village President John Hansen, Trustee Dale Berman, Trustee Mike Herlihy, Trustee Bob Strusz, Trustee Mark Gaffino, Trustee Linda Mitchell, Trustee Max Herwig, Village Clerk Lori Murray.

Staff in attendance: Village Attorney Kevin Drendel, Village Administrator Sue McLaughlin, Community Development Director Scott Buening, Finance Director Bill Hannah, Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock, Water Superintendent Paul Young.


1. Discussion of Fireworks contract for North Aurora Days and Fourth of July – Trustee Gaffino asked that the Board to discuss how much it would want to spend on fireworks this year, as well as discuss the possibility of a multi-year contract in order to save money. Finance Director Bill Hannah stated that in 2008 the Village spent $20,000 for Fourth of July fireworks and $7500 for North Aurora Days fireworks. Trustee Herwig said that in previous years, a multi-year contract provided $3000 or $4000 a year more of fireworks. Single contracts continued to increase in price. Herwig said he would lean toward a three-year contract. Trustee Herlihy said that last year residents could see the Village’s fireworks, as well as Batavia and Aurora, and asked if there is something that could be done to make it less wasteful since some residents might see this as money being thrown away. Trustee Mitchell said that in the past the Village has looked at having the fireworks on a different day, but the thought was to have it on July 4th. Trustee Gaffino said that there has been discussion about having the fireworks on the east side of town. Trustee Mitchell suggested getting alternative bids for different days. Trustee Berman said the Village might think of not having the fireworks this year due to the economic hardship. Gaffino said he would get more information and report back. To be placed on the agenda for the next C.O.W. meeting.

2. Discussion of Mirador Punch List Pay Request No. 2, Partial, in the amount of $103,499.14 and Change Order No. 2, decreased in the amount of $21,741.75 –
Public Works Superintendent Mike Glock said that all work had been completed. Consent Agenda.

3. Discussion of Tanner Trails Contract A Pay Request No. 6, Partial, in the amount of $41,769.41 and Change Order No. 2 decreased in the amount of $7,409.24 – Glock said that all work had been completed. Consent Agenda.

4. Discussion of a reduction in the number of Class B Liquor Licenses from 6 to 5 (Boca Burrito) – Consent Agenda.

Trustee Gaffino inquired about the house in town that was not completely built and consists of a foundation and safety fence at this time. Community Development Director Scott Buening said that the owners have been informed that they need to bring the house into compliance.

Gaffino asked about the status of the Motorsports building – Buening said that fencing was put in place for protection. The owner is currently trying to find alternative financing t complete the building.

Motion made by Trustee Berman and seconded by Trustee Gaffino to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of threatened litigation and pending litigation.

ADJOURNMENT – 7:40 p.m.
Motion made by Trustee Herlihy and seconded by Trustee Herwig to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori J. Murray
Village Clerk

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